Sentences with phrase «bit of travel»

I've done a fair bit of traveling in my life, and have lived in some weird and wonderful places.
I do a fair bit of traveling & like to take along a granola bar for an on flight snack.
Plus a little bit of travelling here and there, and maybe even some bits about my life.
I can't pick out the best bit of this travel as there have been so many to choose from so far and I've still yet to go another few months.
Her job required a good bit of travel, resulting in having to be away from her growing children more often than she would have liked.
I'm also getting a little bit of a travel bug and scouting out our next adventure!
I really appreciate how thorough this post us, you've held our hand through what I find to be the most stressful bit of travelling, booking the bloody flights!
Various bits of travel - related news from around the Web.
Finally, the last bit of travel related excitement that happened last week.
The analog sticks, however, have a nice bit of travel and enough resistance to automatically center on their own.
There is, however, a fair bit of travel to be found in them.
Today, «M Loves M» still includes personal style and recipes, but I've started to include more beauty (I've become a big product junkie), home décor and entertaining (Matthew and I moved into a house last year), plus a little bit of travel for the times we can get away.
Meesh's inspiring blog is part DIY and part fashion, with a little bit of travel thrown in for good measure.
A round - up of some of the smaller bits of travel news I've noticed over the past week that don't warrant a blog post of their own but that could be useful nonetheless.
A round up of some of the smaller bits of travel news I've noticed over the past week that don't warrant a blog post of their own but that could be useful nonetheless.
Although Cameran doesn't think that she will be traveling a lot with her little girl, we took into consideration even the slightest bit of travel — such as a car ride to the grocery store or the baby's regular check - ups with her pediatrician.
To him, it was one more bit of travel with trials unknown and a message of whatever to be delivered to whomever.
It is our «best of the best» week - long yoga and surf camp in that it provides structure and takes away the headache - y bits of travel planning for our guests, but allows more flexibility and choice than a classic surf and yoga retreat.
My last bit of travel advice for you is to stock up at the store on your vices before you go and food when you get there.
Combine this with the nigh - incomprehensible first - person overworld where everything looks exactly the same (you acquire maps from new towns, but you'll still have to do a fair bit of traveling practically blind) and you're not exactly in for the best experience on Nintendo's service.
might serve as the inscrutable sound bite of this traveling exhibition curated by Anthony Huberman which started at the Contemporary Art Museum in St. Louis last fall and ends at the Culturgest — Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos in Lisbon this summer.
I've been doing a little bit of traveling over the last few months, but I'm back in action and have a brand new Flip This Success Story that you've got ta check out!
I've done a fair bit of travelling in life, have loved seeing a fair bit of the world Life's all...
After a good bit of travel this year, I am so pleased to settle down some roots into this community of Maine that I love so much.
I do a fair bit of traveling in my line of work, and I'm looking for a bit of NSA fun in my down time.
«There's a little bit of travelling (after the first game) and maybe gives us the opportunity for injuries if we get them to clear up.»
I have a bit of traveling coming up and my husband loves eggs so this will be perfect for him!
There has been quite a bit of travel between us and we have been working our butts off on a new project for The Healthy Glow Collective that launches in January (GET EXCITED).
Thanks for sharing a bit of your travel time with me, chris, enzo, and maria.
Usually when I visit Ireland, I'm just visiting family but last time when I went over I did a bit of travelling and exploring, such a beautiful place: — RRB - x
Good thing we have Prime since I had a bit of a travel deadline.
Yes, there is a bit of travelling but it's not as if they have to fly economy is it!!
Yes, there will be a bit of travelling but it's not as if they are travelling in economy class is it.
Yes, there is a bit of travelling but it's not as if they are flying economy is it!!
«There I was enjoying my year out, having done a bit of travelling and a bit of broadcasting, and I got the call from Swansea.
This is also great item to have if you plan on doing a bit of traveling since they are quite portable.
In most places along the track, a little attention to the next - day weather forecast and a bit of travel will greatly increase the odds of a spectacular August 21 (Figure 5).
After school, I did a bit of travelling and working before finally deciding to study physiotherapy in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Then things in my life got a bit crazy with quite a bit of travel, a wedding, followed by a honeymoon, and it wasn't until another 5 months on 10/4/2013 when I re-checked my cholesterol just to get sense of where I stood.
I did end up doing a bit of traveling — at least it was only an hour and a half drive to College Station (where Texas A&M is) yesterday to help with some of my company's recruiting activities today and celebrate being a woman working in technology.
Apologies for the lack of posts in the past 3 weeks, I've been in China visiting family and doing a bit of traveling, and almost everything is either blocked or super slow there if it's not a Chinese site.
I must admit it was a bit of a travel splurge for us but it was definitely a once - in - a-lifetime experience (although I'm hoping I will get to return).
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