Sentences with phrase «bit overwhelmed»

However, becoming a dog groomer can seem a little bit overwhelming at first.
Overview: If you are a first time mother or a mother to be then you must be feeling a little bit overwhelmed by all the «ultimate baby products» out there.
It's true that the weaning process can be challenging and a little bit overwhelming for both mom and baby, but it doesn't have to be.
There are a lot of options to pick from and you may still feel a little bit overwhelmed by everything you've gotten to look at.
As you can imagine, this industry can be a tad bit overwhelming when you first start out..
The top is a relaxed fit and on my petite frame, was a tad bit overwhelming, so I paired it with short shorts and a bright spring blazer to balance it out.
What an encouragement today as I am feeling a wee bit overwhelmed.
It's a rich, floral scent that isn't the least bit overwhelming.
Or me getting a little bit overwhelmed by hormones of happiness?
I know I can get a little bit overwhelmed looking at all the design options out there!
Today is a work day for me (and a laundry day... and a get a little bit overwhelmed with work day...).
Since babies don't come with a manual on how to take care of them, some mothers may find it a little bit overwhelming in taking care of this fragile and -LSB-...]
Sometimes it seems a little bit overwhelming even for experienced players, but due to its replay value and the limitless gameplay options Tropico 4 pays back the patient ones.
Long Beach moving services can be a little bit overwhelming especially if you've heard horror stories of Long Beach clients who have not been able to retrieve their belongings and had to rely on their Long Beach renters insurance or who have had difficulty in trying to figure out exactly where their stuff is being stored in the meantime.
When you start the search for your perfect Massachusetts renters coverage policy, you might feel a little bit overwhelmed about the kinds of Salem insurance policies that you should get, but as you learn more about each policy, you will get closer to finding the one that you want.
Anytime you start looking for an Owensboro car insurance agent, you might feel a little bit overwhelmed at first, especially since there are numerous agents that you have to choose from.
Sometimes it can seem a little bit overwhelming when it comes to picking the best eyeshadows for your eye color.
Those new to the series could be a little bit overwhelmed by the crafting system, which seems complex at first glance but offers extensive options if mastered.
Since babies don't come with a manual on how to take care of them, some mothers may find it a little bit overwhelming in taking care of this fragile and tiny creature that is your lovely baby.
I homeschool our crazy kids and most days I feel just a tad bit overwhelmed and crazy.
looks amazing — we are partaking in a CSA this summer — but one where we do alot of the work and it's amazing but also a wee bit overwhelming — my girl is learning all about where food comes from which was one of the main reasons we joined.
«It's a little bit overwhelming,» said Slack founder and CEO Stewart Butterfield.
Be warned — using full Epoxy Eyes can be a bit overwhelming to the subject and could leave them feeling uncomfortable.
This can be great and feel like having an ally on your side, but it can also be a bit overwhelming when you need a level - headed, logical response or a simple, impartial listening ear to a problem.
Starting a new business can be extremely exciting, can be a little scary, and if you are like most people, can be a bit overwhelming.
But with over 3,600 companies and 2.4 million square feet to cover, the event can be a bit overwhelming.
When I first started out I was a bit overwhelmed.
Tyler: This was by far the most nerve - racking decision of the day; I was a bit overwhelmed by the options available to me.
A few years earlier on the speaking circuit, she had been at yet another dinner event, feeling a bit overwhelmed as a young Asian woman in a sea of suits, when she spotted another misfit — a middle - aged man in cargo pants, with wildish hair tucked under a sideways baseball cap.
Holiday shoppers with a tablet computer on their gift list this year might be forgiven for feeling a bit overwhelmed.
Despite all the inescapably jolly song lyrics to the contrary, it's understandable to be a bit overwhelmed by all the obligations that come with this time of year, but Entrepreneur is on hand to take the weight off your shoulders with twelve tips to help get you and your business get through the holidays without a hitch — and have a little fun while you're at it.
It's the best way to learn, if a bit overwhelming
In all my years of teaching, I've been sensitive to the clichés that are tossed around about young people, but the current clichés are a bit overwhelming.
But this approach can be a bit overwhelming and extremely challenging for app companies.
Deciding which technical indicators to use can frankly be a bit overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be (nor should it be).
While smart speakers are high - tech and can prove to be really useful in a number of scenarios, getting started can also be a bit overwhelming especially for first - time users.
When you are first getting introduced to the world of forex trading, things can seem a bit overwhelming.
The building is so big and so much is going on it's a bit overwhelming.
Again, while this makes the service a good choice for an experienced (and accredited) investor, someone who's new to real estate investing might find all of this detail a bit overwhelming.
Hearing from others that have already walked the path enlightens me and also reminds me that it can be done when things seem a bit overwhelming.
This question can be a bit overwhelming, we realize.
With a vast array of brands and models to decipher, it can all feel a bit overwhelming.
The process of withdrawal feel a bit overwhelming at times, however it is not so difficult.
When you decide to hire freelance writers, the idea of choosing the «right writer» for the job can be a bit overwhelming.
Purchasing a first home is a major milestone in life — but the process of obtaining a mortgage can feel a little bit overwhelming.
If you're about to start a business or are fairly new to this game, the list above may seem a bit overwhelming.
It can feel a bit overwhelming sometimes to think about next week but right now, I'm making my only business Evelynn and I guess we'll figure out the rest (like how I am going to care for a newborn with two other tinies also needing their mumma by myself) later.
«We're a bit overwhelmed actually.»
You could get a bit overwhelmed I know but this is helpful to pin and return to again and again.
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