Sentences with phrase «bit weak»

But what was Heastie's motivation for cutting a side deal with his fellow Democrat, angering Skelos and looking, let's admit it, a little bit weak in the process — especially after the photo of the now - infamous hug appeared on the governor's Flickr page.
So, generally, the biggest deltas are, one, a little bit weaker on the handset side; two, a little more conservative modeling of what happens later in the year than what we had, which frankly is not, again, just to drive that point home, nobody knows how many people are going to buy a new handset when it's launched on the market — not us, not our customers, not analysts, or you name it.
Fits on patio doors fine but a little bit weak where you add the extension piece.
Auba is good in all these, bit weak on headers.
The company reported 5 % constant currency revenue growth, which was admittedly a little bit weaker than we had expected, but was more than offset by a 13 % constant currency decline in overhead expense.
Gold is a bit weaker this morning.
However, the Huawei devices are a bit weak on GPU, up to 5x less than the iPhone 6s, and Apple will be improving
However, the Huawei devices are a bit weak on GPU.
And sure, maybe the first half is a bit weaker than the second.
In this sense, the film suffers from the inverse problem of most Marvel films — its first act is a bit weak, but the back half sings.
No question, it was quite a bit weaker than we thought.»
Part of their model is providing guidance and «we're not sure what's going on» is considered to be... um... a bit weak in that regard.
«The wealth business looks a little bit on the weak side to be honest,» said Piers Brown, an analyst at Macquarie Bank Ltd. «Although net new money is strong, the margin looks a bit weaker
Our own forecasts have come down too, though they had already been a bit weaker than the IMF's.
But, on average, household and business spending data have come in a bit weaker than expected, leading many to revise down their forecasts for the current quarter.
Instead the markets yawned and carried equities to new all - time highs.The central bank decisions went as expected; the unemployment was a bit weaker than projected but the weather problems from the hurricanes have probably not been fully tallied.
The data show that consumption has been a bit weak while investment and exporters have picked up the slack.
April's report was a bit weak but March was strong so it all evens out.
I'm not a physicist, but the Big Bang theory seems a bit weak to me.
Seems your big guy is a bit weak in the marketing department up there.
You might have a point with your overall thesis, but some of your points are a bit weak.
Yes, we love microwaving sweet potatoes too — though sometimes we find it takes longer than we thought for more than 1 sweet potato at a time (I think our microwave is a bit weak).
I gave it a good shake before I used it, but it still seemed a bit weaker in flavor.
I haven't eaten meat since I was 10 years old, but I totally believe in everyone doing what is right for their bodies and it is awesome that you are feeling better:) I've actually been reconsidering my diet because I started weight training and I've been feeling tired and a bit weak lately... maybe like I need more protein.
«We know the market was quite a bit weaker in the fourth quarter.
Plus, I usually need a little something in me before a strenuous workout... otherwise, I do start to feel a bit weak and shaky towards the end.
It tastes like pure sunshine, and while I can't help but associate it with golden summer, I know this will also be wonderful in the winter months when our immune systems are down and the sun is a bit weaker in the sky.
«I feel that may be a bit weak on his behalf, not to be able to get us out of the trouble he has put us into.
Their attack looks a bit weak with Firmino leading the line and apart from Benteke their bench looks weak.
Was his coordination a bit weaker, I don't know.
But his consistency has been good for a long spell now, so nit picking is a bit weak to be totally real.
Our left back position is a bit weak due to injuries of Gibbs and to lesser extend Monreal so we could do with a reinforcement here.
Arsenal seemed to be trying to be more precise with their passing and hold on to the ball longer, but the first time they give it away Fer runs through to Cech's goal but his shot was a bit weak to get past our big Number One.
Things will be better in case that we buy Abuma, but having only Miki is kinda a step back as we have become a bit weaker.
Lets put focus on our strength rather than opponent's weakness.Am sure if we turn up with confidence and concertration during the game we have the chance to beat the stronger Manure team let alone this one which we believe is a bit weak.
For all his championships, his dominant victories, his prowess in the wet, his incredible speed and his cunning racing brain, if there was one area where people thought Schumacher might be a bit weak it was his racecraft.
Holland and England are in it too yes i agree France have a good squad and so does Germany and Spain but Spain are a bit weak at the moment Holland and England will give a good fight for sure I will wait for group matches to pick on the vibe
unless he thinks the our league rivals are staring to get a little bit weaker, and he thinks he can take advantage of it in the next few years to compete for more titles easier, i think that is taking a massive chance on his reputation.
Aubameyang may be good but he looks a bit weak for the EPL.
When results go their way, they are fun to watch, but I feel like Poch and Co. are still a bit weak mentally when things start falling apart.
Idk blaming our players for not having a championship mentality just seems a bit weak to me.
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