Sentences with phrase «bitter criticism»

Adolph and Smoley also collected bitter criticisms of Andrews from Native American leaders contending that she had made errors regarding geography and custom, especially in her descriptions of ancient ceremonies.
That agreement has triggered bitter criticism from supporters of the privately owned Catskill Mountain Railroad, which wants the county to support its rail line to the reservoir and from Terry Bernardo, who has made the issue of rail versus trail her main campaign issue.
The government has drawn bitter criticism for going to federal court for clarification of that ruling's implications, facing off against advocates for First Nations children.
Cameron's press conference — the first for 238 days — is a clear effort for him to convince voters in flood - hit areas that he is getting on the front foot, amid increasingly bitter criticism of ministerial performance during the crisis.
In the event, the Liberal Democrats did insist on the abolition of tuition fees after the inquiry reported in 2001, but in 1999, the delay was perceived to have been a compromise, and Wallace in particular became the focal point for extremely bitter criticism.
Already, the Transport Workers Union, which has been engaged in bitter criticism of de Blasio over funding for an emergency Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) plan put forward by Lhota (again the agency's chair), has spent $ 119,025 on a TV ad attacking the mayor (TWU is seen as an ally of Governor Andrew Cuomo, a consistent de Blasio foe with whom the union negotiates its major labor contracts).
Even before it was launched, Sanders» plan received swift and bitter criticism from Republicans, including White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, whose daily briefing overlapped with the senator's event.
The inclusion of Jesus» discourse in 12:33 - 37 is intended by Matthew as a bitter criticism of the Pharisees, who in condemning Jesus have really condemned themselves.
Her performance in her father Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather Part III (1990) spawned an army of nay - sayers and bitter criticism.
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