Sentences with phrase «bizarre act»

LAUSD to Pay Nearly $ 30M to Settle Miramonte Sex Abuse Lawsuits Los Angeles Unified will pay nearly $ 30 million to settle claims by 58 children who say they were victims of former Miramonte Elementary teacher Mark Berndt, the veteran educator charged with committing bizarre acts of sex abuse against students, attorneys said Tuesday.
Por - nography objectfies women and glamorizes bizarre acts that are nothing less than complete expoitation of women's bodies.
Polis» outrageous and inappropriate attack on Diane Ravitch may not have been some random, bizarre act on the part of an arrogant, self - serving Congressman but part of the corporate education reform industry's broader PR effort to dismiss the growing opposition to the privatization of public education.
These and other bizarre acts of cruelty and psychopathology are linked only by the killer's use of luxury vehicles and a baffling lack of motive.
Photographed in solitary portraits and group photos against backdrops composed of found images of oil fields and refineries and strewn with props such as diamonds, exotic animals, oil, and its related paraphernalia, her characters are variously engaged in bizarre acts of decadence, excess, and aggression.
They set fire to buildings, destroyed equipment, shot down two rangers and killed four other people, and then in a truly bizarre act killed 13 rare okapis housed at the facility as «ambassadors» for the forest.
Jennings, the councilman for the district between 2002 and 2006 but was censured by the Council for a series of bizarre acts, is taking another shot at getting back into City Hall.?
As a unique addition to the show, a magician — I did not identify whom — performed card tricks for front rowers before the start, following up with a bizarre act of calisthenics after the final model had walked off the runway (you can watch a video of it here).
Wilson's debut novel centers around a couple of performance artists who regularly incorporate their unwilling children into their bizarre acts.
The big story, however, is the cast, which includes former Disney stars Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez trying to break free from their squeaky clean images with more adult roles, and James Franco continuing his bizarre acting career with a turn as a cornrowed, gold - toothed wannabe gangster that should make the movie worth seeing whether it's good or not.
In Face Eater, the eyes fill the center of the painting with a hypnotic reminder that the creature doing this bizarre act is supposed to be human,» according to Associate Curator of Contemporary Art, Renee B. Miller of the Denver Art Museum.
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