Sentences with phrase «bizarre questions»

When I read the article, I thought they were asking bizarre questions about little known religions.
Upon interviewing this client, I asked him a seemingly not so bizarre question about his hobbies.
By far the most bizarre question of Super Bowl 48 Media Day was not surprisingly directed at the Seahawks» Richard Sherman.
I do nt blame people for their ignorance, but when they light up the boards asking these questions, then mock you for answering its bizarre
More bizarre questions like, «This St.Michael these sainted women, did they have a body, limbs?
The online jobs and career community Glassdoor just unveiled its sixth annual list of the toughest and most bizarre questions faced by job seekers.
Today I'd like to feature bloggers who have asked me some interesting, funny, and bizarre questions over the course of past week:
Sometimes they ask REALLY bizarre questions of the reference and it makes it quite fun,
As part of the experience where I help daters write their profile, I interview them for a very long time and ask a barrage of often bizarre questions to find the gems we need to include in their profile.
I bet even the Queen of England gets bizarre questions / statements only she's too high and mighty to repeat them... publicly!
I miss trappings of a TV show that the classic games had, as well as some of the more bizarre question types.
Now, as the American public, we are forced to answer a bizarre question: Is it more disturbing that he could lie to us for so long — and so elaborately — or that we're really not surprised?
His new anthology, modestly entitled Belief, answers this bizarre question.
(I know, this is a bizarre question, but on my low - histamine diet I can't have either, and I'm racking my brain for a nice mushy thing I can substitute in many recipes).
That's a bizarre question.
«The bizarre question of the hour is what the young stars are doing there at all.
Hilbert asks Crick a number of bizarre questions («On a scale of one to ten, what are the chances that you'll be assassinated — one being highly unlikely, ten being you're expecting it around every corner?»)
I picked up and heard a male voice who, friendly enough and definitely assertive, had me run a gamut of bizarre questions, such as, «If your dad has fathered more than nine children, press «0» / If your father has eaten any of his children, press «1».»
Where do these bizarre questions come from?
To a person in any other line of business this would be a bizarre question.
Hello, a bizarre question but how do you do multiplication with this?
You should expect some bizarre questions such as how many baseballs would fit in a semi trailer?
The Daily Mail published a slew of bizarre questions that employers love to ask in job interviews across the pond, and all I can say is, I feel bad for the Brits.
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