Sentences with phrase «bjorn for»

I used the original baby bjorn for one of my babies and after she turned 4 months I stopped using it because it gave me a lot of back pain.
we had a baby bjorn for a while (ugh designer crap) then moved on to a First Journey which I loved.

Not exact matches

And as for nursing in the bjorn, show me the woman who can do that & I'll show you a woman with breasts coming out of her neck.
And I know, babywearing is not for everybody, but know that slings aren't the only sort of baby carrier, there are those — like wraps and baby bjorn styles — that do hold your little one upright in a position more are prone to be fond of.
«Lifesaver — Carseat, Baby carrier,... a rock n'play, stroller, swing (all three of my babies were motion junkies and loved to nap in the swing, other kids hate them), baby bjorn bouncy chair, dock a tot for co-sleeping, and a breast pump.
but a white baby bjorn, much like white outfits, is asking for a blowout of epic proportions in public.
We have the bjorn one that is very sturdy and pretty attractive for a stool.
Look up ergonomic baby carriers — there are plenty out there better for baby's hips (and the wearer's back) than awful bjorn - type carriers.
My son took to it really well and it worked great for us — he really never had anything but breastfeeding poops in the cloth, at six months he started pooping in the bjorn little potty, and since 10 months (he's 2.5 and in underwear now) we've had less than a dozen poops in diapers.
If you are looking for something like the bjorn and your kid is too big for it... I LOVE LOVE LOVE the BabyHawke.
Hubs likes the look of the bjorn and teased that the Lille baby is what he wore skydiving... hes not wrong but ultimately it's more important the our carrier to be comfortable for our kiddo and for us to wear.
The accoutrements of babyhood — Diaper Genies, strollers, Baby Bjorns, etc. — must eventually be trashed, donated or put into storage for the next child.
I also loved taking him for long walks in the baby bjorn when he was younger (and lighter).
This bjorn potty chair is the ideal travel potty chair, but can be used for every day potty needs.
Ergo 360: I really loved it but it was much harder for me to put on and take off because the ergo uses buttons instead of the clips like those used on the baby bjorn.
Finally, we liked the baby bjorn one more because we didn't need a separate newborn insert like you need for the ergo.
It was VERY easy to adjust for our respect We now have an almost two year old and we still hike with her in the baby bjorn one.
Hmm I understand that carrying baby in a sling is a really lovely experience for me and baby and thankfully I realised while reading this that the bjorns are no good (I thought I just had a weak back!).
And five years ago we really only had the baby bjorn — not many wearing options on the market that were popular (I blame Angela Jolie for only using the bjorn in the media).
@Gerti I agree it is expensive and I think my loyalties lie with my nostalgia for carrying my children in a baby bjorn before the days of the ergo.
I've been toying with the idea of a «faux - by» for a while, though, as she loves to be worn front - facing, but she's outgrown her sling and all the baby bjorn - type things give me a backache (she weighs over 20 pounds now).
There is also a slew of mommy and me classes doing yoga, dance, and this one looks super fun: Mommy and me Baby bjorn class: this fun energizing class for both baby and mom!
-- get a front / back stroller — don't be afraid to have them in the same room (they won't wake eachother up)-- if you breast - feed don't be afraid to supplement with formula so you can get some sleep — get a double boppy if you plan on breastfeeding — get two baby bjorns & two backpacks; one for you, one for your husband
The baby bjorn toilet trainers makes learning to go to the bathroom a little easier for your child.
This product was life changing for me, I had a baby bjorn before and after one day I never used it again, both baby and I were uncomfortable and my back was killing me.
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