Sentences with phrase «black ear pads»

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They come in 3 colors — black, blue, and white — and, depending on what you want, you can buy a pair with a microphone or no microphone.The ample ear padding and clear sound will drown out most outside noise.
Black - and - blue heelmarks were imprinted on its side, its toenails were long and curled into the pads of its feet, blood congealed in its ears; its face was a tortured grimace.
I for one am of the 4 eyed variety and have had some pain in the side of my head over the years of gaming being unable to find a headset that doesn't feel like I'm going to achieve death by glasses, on top of the 40 mm speaker, Specsfit and over ear designed ear cup the headband which is just a piece of black plastic comes with padding in all of the right places, sadly it does feel like the headband could break easily but as long as you're not rough with it I can't see it being an issue!
The G933 features large, super comfortable plush ear cups that swivel, as well as a padded headband and a a black, patterned design.
Available in matte black, blue, red, teal, or white, the supra - aural (on - ear) E45BT headphones feature exceptionally comfortable earpads and a cloth - lined headband that's slightly less padded, but comfortable nonetheless.
The earcups are well - padded with plush black pads, and the underside of the headband has a sufficient amount of cushion, though it's not quite as plush as the ear pads.
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