Sentences with phrase «black speck -lsb-»

That tiny black speck -LSB-...]
Now you see a black speck with legs, and now you don't.
If it's truly flea feces, the black speck will smear red when rubbed on a wet paper towel.
After some time I found three fleas in my toddlers hair with some eggs and black speck feces.
Mackay's kite, which, for fun, he had tethered to the tent, was high above us — a black speck, with the long, dotted line of a tail hovering in a white void.
She'll go way off so that she's just a black speck in the distance.
I always wondered how to get the black specks in mine!
White pepper is less pungent than black and is used to flavor white sauces, soups, potatoes, spreads, or fish where black specks would be aesthetically objectionable.
Once a staple food for Mayans and Aztecs, these little black specks carry an impressive nutritional punch.
These tiny black specks are rich in protein, covering 31 % of your daily recommended protein needs with a single 100g serving.
And even though few studies focus on the benefits of chia seeds on cardiovascular diseases, most of them conclude that these black specks are a safe bet when it comes to heart - friendly nutrition.
White pepper is the one to go to if you don't want black specks in your mayo but go ahead with the black if you don't mind the looks so much.
Using your fingers, rub the pods into the sugar until black specks are completely mixed in.
in the picture of the ingredients in the processor (before the pureed pic) it looks like there are black specks (in the vanilla?).
I've come across a couple of people who write that if the flesh has tiny black specks in it then it doesn't need to be mushy before you eat it, and you can see that these do.
their tiny black specks also look really beautiful against the light - colored bread.
You can see in the photo below the tiny black specks of vanilla and it pairs gorgeously with the delicate coconut oil.
This was looking and smelling so great with the thick cut organic oats and coconut oil, but when I added the soy milk to soak overnight I noticed black specks floating to the surface.
It's more appealing to eye (not seeing black specks) and gives potatoes a different sort of «kick.»
Perhaps your daughter might balk at the black specks though!
Since the soup is completely smooth, running it through a strainer revealed no solid evidence of ingredients; only black specks of various spices were visible.
And the idea that the tiny black specks of unburnt diesel fuel are lethal is not new.
On further examination, it turned out that the black specks are a type of organelle — called an acidocalcisome — that is also found in certain single - celled eukaryotes.
Docampo was hardly the first to notice that prokaryotes have mysterious black specks floating in their cytoplasm.
«It just looks like a clear sample with some black specks in it,» said Weinreich, the second author on the paper.
And what a payoff: Nearly two years later, Weinreich's discovery of black specks embedded within lunar crystals is proof that there is water within our planet's nearest celestial neighbor.
The result: Those little black specks.
White pepper is the one to go to if you don't want black specks in your mayo but go ahead with the black if you don't mind the looks so much.
When attempting to remove, the black does flake however, so I have to wipe off random black specks off my face.
The worst I could spot was one scene with two fixed black specks and a few with out - of - focus portions (which may be part of the film).
Fleas tend to leave dirt on the host's body and these appear as black specks of dust on the skin or fur.
You can find evidence that fleas have been on your pet by using a fine comb and looking for black specks.
To the naked eye, flea dirt appears like fine, black specks.
Grown flea feces (known as «flea dirt») looks like small black specks.
If any black specks show up, moisten the paper towel and see if there are any red streaks when you smear them.
Pick up some of the black specks with a moistened cotton ball and you'll notice a red color because fela dirt is actually digested blood.
By spreading the hair or using a flea comb, you may see fleas or black specks that look like dirt.
Flea dirt looks like dark brown or black specks of dirt.
These small, black specks look like pepper and often cling to the comb's teeth.
Flea dirt is seen as small black specks or coiled structures; when placed on damp white tissue, they dissolve, leaving a reddish brown stain.
If you notice these black specks on your dog, put some on white paper or kitchen roll and pour a spot of water on.
The fleas, along with small black specks (their feces) will be visible on the white background.
Step 4 — Shake the dirt from the comb and her fur onto the white sheet so you can see the black specks.
If it's flea dirt, the black specks will turn reddish - brown.
Look for flea droppings, which appear as small black specks, in your dog's fur.
If your pet is scratching and biting and you see black specks resembling ground pepper in its coat, chances are that it has fleas.
Those black specks of flea dirt have been shown to carry the bacteria that gives people, especially children, cat scratch disease.
These little black specks are actually flea feces.
According to the ASPCA, the presence of little black specks may be flea dirt, indicating that your dog is hosting a flea family.
Hamsters with mites frequently scratch, have skin irritations, exhibit hair loss, and have tiny black specks on their fur.
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