Sentences with phrase «black specks also»

their tiny black specks also look really beautiful against the light - colored bread.

Not exact matches

On further examination, it turned out that the black specks are a type of organelle — called an acidocalcisome — that is also found in certain single - celled eukaryotes.
Their fecal material can also be seen on the dog's coat and looks like multiple black flecks or specks - almost like pepper.
Also check for ticks and flea dirt, black specks of dried blood left behind by fleas.
You'll also discover that when you use the flavorful vanilla bean caviar (those black little specks that reside inside the bean), it will yield a fantastic flavor an a slight crunch, which is amazing!
Also, black steps (or flooring) show every speck of lint or dust, so while you're concerned about having to clean two things on the steps, you would probably have to clean less often with a runner.
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