Sentences with phrase «bladder disease»

And it may even be possible the blood is coming from the bladder, which would be a sign of bladder disease.
Feeding your fish the wrong food could cause problems like floating bladder disease, which can kill your fish.
Learn more about our research on the role of nutrition and bladder disease in cats.
The most common cat bladder disease is caused by stress.
However, while in people most bladder disease involves infection, this is often not the case in cats.
This can turn into what's called «swim bladder disease
When due to kidney disease, straining to urinate may not occur, but straining is the most common sign of urinary bladder disease.
An observant person can often detect bladder disease in their rabbit before he becomes lethargic, anorectic, or is in a life - threatening situation.
Cats who don't get enough H2O can become chronically dehydrated, which can lead to frequent kidney problems and bladder disease where crystals and stones form in cats» urine.
If caught early by an observant person bladder disease should be controllable and should not cause any permanent damage to the rabbit's health or life - span.
At 30 years old, I was diagnosed with Gall Bladder disease and referred to a surgeon.
Swim bladder disease is a fairly common issue with most goldfishes - resulting in the cute little fishies having trouble staying underwater, leaning sideways and sometimes even swimming upside down!
It also helps to prevent floating bladder disease, which is great for all goldfish.
The FDA approves the first oral drug for treating interstitial cystitis (a debilitating urinary bladder disease), called Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium).
«This work in an experimental model is the first published report of exploiting an uropathogen - derived host modulatory molecule in a clinically relevant model of bladder disease, and it points to the potential utility of this as an alternate treatment approach.»
Being 96 % water, cucumbers are great for keeping you hydrated and are know to have diuretic properties thus help in improving the kidney and bladder diseases.
There are flakes and granules for smaller fish, sinking pellets to prevent floating bladder disease, and floating pellets for koi ponds.
IC is a bladder disease characterized by chronic pelvic pain, a persistent and urgent need to urinate, (often throughout the day and night and sometimes more than 50 times a day), pain or discomfort while the bladder fills and relief after urinating, and pain during sexual intercourse.
As the month draws to an end, I want to take this time to shed light on a bladder disease that affects millions of Americans as well as several of my close friends.
Such illnesses include diabetes, constipation, diverticulitis, colon cancer, heart disease, obesity, gall bladder disease and gallstones, pancreatitis, hiatus hernia, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and even breast cancer.
In particular, you may want to avoid higher doses of curcumin if you are pregnant, have a hormone - sensitive condition, take a blood thinning medication, take medication for diabetes (as curcumin works to balance blood sugar as well), or have gallstones or gall bladder disease.
Has been used for chronic liver and gall bladder diseases, water retention and kidney congestion, or stones.
, what you leave in the loo can actually be insight to disease states such as liver or gall bladder disease, autoimmune disease such as Crohn's, and even cancer.
I have a bladder disease called IC that will not allow me to have coffee with acid and / or caffeine.
Since carotenoids and retinoids are fat - soluble nutrients, vitamin A deficiencies involving either carotenoids or retinoids may be caused by a diet that is extremely low in fat and / or the presence of medical conditions that cause a reduction in the ability to absorb dietary fat, such as pancreatic enzyme deficiency, Crohn's disease, celiac sprue, cystic fibrosis, surgical removal of part or all of the stomach, gall bladder disease, and liver disease.
Unfortunately, progesterone carries risks of gall bladder disease, certain cancers, hypertension and heart disease.
It's believed to help with focus, reducing fatigue, improving heart strength and cardiovascular health, treating of kidney and bladder disease, improving digestion and increasing longevity.
Fairly prevalent in goldfishes, swim bladder disease is when the organ maintaining the fish's stability and bouyancy loses its ability to regulate air properly, causing the fish to float nearer to the surface of the water, swim towards a particular side, or even end up upside down!
While it may sound serious, swim bladder disease is fairly easily treated, through ensuring proper water quality, a low protein diet, adding aquarium salts for de-stressing the goldfish, or simply feeding the little fishies peeled, cooked peas to up their fibre intake.
Internal medicine encompasses the diagnosis, management and treatment of many ailments commonly faced by our dogs and cats: liver disease, diabetes, chronic stomach and intestinal issues, chronic kidney and bladder disease, cancer, and heart and lung problems, to name just a few.
Abdominal Surgery (exploratory) Mass Removal (subcutaneous cancer) Perianal Fistulae / Anal Sac Disease Perineal Hernia in the Dog Anal Sac Adenocarcinoma in Dogs Anal Sac Disease Portosystemic Shunt (Liver) Thoracic Surgery (Lung / Cardiac) Feline Megacolon Gall Bladder Disease and Biliary Obstruction Gastric Dilation - Volvulus Parathyroid Gland Tumor
Regardless of what procedure is done, gall bladder disease, and biliary obstructions have a guarded prognosis.
Most if not all dogs and cats with gall bladder disease are sick.
Dietary changes are also critical if the rabbit is not to have a recurrence of bladder disease.
Chemistry Panel: Although there is no specific test for pancreatitis on this panel, cats with co-existing diseases such as liver disease or gall bladder disease may have elevated enzymes associated with those organs.
If there is an underlying liver or gall bladder disease, medications such as antibiotics and liver protectants may be used.
Bladder disease is extremely common in both dogs and cats.
Ultrasound is more useful in seeing inside of the organs and detecting soft tissue pathology such as tumors, liver and gall bladder disease, kidney disease, cancer, and other degenerative disease of the organs.
Ultrasound is useful for our Veterinarians to see inside of the organs and detecting soft tissue pathology such as tumors, liver and gall bladder disease, kidney disease, cancer and other degenerative disease of the organs.
She has a strong interest in liver and gall bladder disease, kidney disease and immune mediated conditions.
Common diseases in ornamental fish include parasitic and bacterial infections, septicemia, swim bladder disease, constipation, tumors and fin rot.
In issue number 5, Dr. Kestenman addressed the role of diet in the treatment and prevention of bladder disease and bladderstones, focusing on the importance of relatively low calcium levels.

Phrases with «bladder disease»

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