Sentences with phrase «blank expression of»

After which, the lawsuit claims, James Franco, with a «blank expression of joy on his face,» charged Tonnessen and head - butted him in the stomach, sending him to the ground «in shock and pain.»
Upritchard is drawn to a variety of arts, crafts, and design from around the world produced over the past several centuries, and an array of objects and techniques have informed her work: the fifteenth - century German sculptor Erasmus Grasser's wooden figures; the Bayeux Tapestry, made in the eleventh century, with its scenes of the Norman conquest of England; the use of canopic jars in Egyptian mummification; the bronze figures of the Chola dynasty in India; and the blank expressions of the masks used in Japanese Noh theater.

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On Election Day, serial entrepreneur Steve Blank takes a moment to remember why freedom of speech, expression and thought are critical to entrepreneurship.
The blank expression on his face is almost cracked by a quiver of the lip, corners of the mouth turned down, but he holds fast.
And lonely as it is, that loneliness Will be more lonely ere it will be less A blanker whiteness of benighted snow With no expression, nothing to express.
Also this person will be required to maintain military bearing with a blank face void of grimaces, smiles, or other expressions.
In the crowd on the opposite page are some of the keenest followers of horse racing in the world, but ask them their views on Nashua or Swaps or any other thoroughbred and you may draw a blank expression.
It was the first time Bayern had conceded a goal inside the first 15 minutes this season and there were plenty of blank expressions in the Munich ranks.
But she adds that to go from changes in gene expression to why someone is attracted to a person of the same sex is a question for which science may never fill in all the blanks.
If your expression is one of sadness or blank, negative or anything besides what I'm about to share then you've lost before you even entered the room.
To avoid awkward moments of silence and blank stares, use facial and hand expressions when engaging in conversation instead of quick wit.
The woman always backs away from the man, slowly, confidently, but with an eerily blank expression (most of Johansson's expressions are eerily blank, except when she's unexpectedly laughing or showing confusion or fear).
Although he apparently possesses the ability to move objects in classic poltergeist style, he's a passive witness for much of the time, a blank slate on which we can project our own experience of loss or those suggested by extensive use of the Kuleshov effect, a technique by which neutral expressions are given meaning through editing.
Similarly, a great deal of laughs come from Frank simply staring with a dead blank expression when the baby next door cries, his neighbors are too loud, and he is bombarded with a barrage of mind numbing TV while taking pills and drinking booze.
It's a wide shot that lingers long enough to allow viewers to get caught up in their own thoughts — perhaps about the film's eerie opening, or the blank expressions on the faces of the concertgoers, or the increasing reverb of the piano's notes, bouncing around the theater, onscreen and off.
Butterfield, whose bright eyes and blank expression made him a perfect pint - sized conduit for the awe generated in Scorsese's «Hugo,» is once again flattened by the demands of a more adult role.
Here are five ways students can turn a blank page into a powerful expression of their mind and heart.
Each page of this easy - reader contains a simple and predictable sentence with a feeling word to trace and a blank face template for students to draw the facial expression on.
Pages of Download Grade 2 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 15 - Place Value 16 - 20 - Ordinal Numbers 21 - 25 - Smallest / Largest Number in a set of numbers 26 - 29 - Greater than 30 - 33 - Less than 34 - 36 - Greater than / Less than 37 - 39 - Add or subtract write the sign in the blank 40 - 45 - Adding using place value (example: 4 + 13 + 5) 46 - 51 - Adding with words - Example - what is 150 more than 200 52 - 55 - Skip Counting 56 - 59 - Skip Counting - Missing Numbers on a Number line 60 - 65 - Reading Graphs 65 - 71 - Solving Word Problems 72 - 76 - Time 77 - 83 - Coin Identification and Coin counting 84 - 88 - Counting Dollars and coins 89 - 92 - Geometry 93 - 96 - Fractions 97 - 115 - Answer Keys 116 - 118 - Terms of Use and Credits Pages of Download Grade 3 Practice Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Measurement Height 12 - 19 - Place Value 20 - 24 - Find the smallest / largest number from a set of numbers 25 - 28 - Number Words 29 - 32 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 33 - 37 - Counting dollars and coins 38 - 48 - Reading thermometers - temperature 49 - 53 - Reading graphs 54 - 57 - Reading Calendars 58 - 62 - Numerators and Denominators 63 - 67 - Fraction Circles 68 - 72 - Fractions of a solid 73 - 78 - Word Problems 79 - 83 - Data Tables 84 - 88 - Multi-Step Word Problems 89 - 92 - Rounding to the nearest ten 93 - 96 - Rounding to the nearest hundred 97 - 100 - Rounding word problems 101 - 103 - Probability 104 - 107 - Geometry - identifying shapes 108 - 110 - Height of a triangle 111 - 113 - Angles identifying right, acute, and obtuse 114 - 117 - Symmetry and Angles 118 - 121 - Perimeter 122 - 125 - Area 126 - 129 - Elapsed Time 130 - 155 - Answer Keys 156 - 158 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 4 practice sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 6 - Measurement Length 7 - 11 - Patterns 12 - 15 - Parallel and Perpendicular Lines 16 - 26 - Reading Temperature 27 - 31 - Reading Graphs 32 - 36 - Coordinate Graphs 37 - 41 - Skip Counting - complete the sequence 42 - 46 - Place Value 47 - 50 - Number Words 51 - 55 - Powers of 10 56 - 60 - Adding using Place Value 61 - 70 - Fractions 71 - 75 - Fraction Word Problems 76 - 80 - Convert Fractions to Decimals 81 - 85 - Convert Decimals to Fractions 86 - 90 - Height of a figure 91 - 95 - Missing Number in an equation 96 - 100 - Balancing Equations 101 - 105 - Data Tables - ordering numbers 106 - 110 - Data Table Addition 111 - 115 - Data Table Time 116 - 120 - Data Table Subtraction 121 - 125 - Estimation Word Problems 126 - 130 - Ratio Word Problems 131 - 134 - Probability 135 - 140 - Spinner Probability 141 - 145 - Arrays 146 - 173 - Answer Keys 174 - 177 - Credits and Terms of Use Pages of Download Grade 5 Sheets: 1 - Cover 2 - For the Teacher 3 - 7 - Units of Measure 8 - 12 - Reading Graphs 13 - 17 - Number Words 18 - 22 - Place Value 23 - 27 - Decimal Place Value 28 - 32 - Rounding Numbers 33 - 37 - Complete the sequence, skip counting 38 - 42 - Solving Equations 43 - 47 - Variable Equations 48 - 52 - Simplify Expressions 53 - 57 - Finding the Mean 58 - 62 - Mean, Median, Mode 63 - 67 - Greatest Common Factor 68 - 72 - Fractions 73 - 77 - Comparing a set of Fractions 78 - 83 - Comparing Multiple Fractions 84 - 93 - Fraction Word Problems 94 - 98 - Estimating / Estimation Word Problems 99 - 103 - Possible Outcome Problems 104 - 108 - Distance Word Problems 109 - 113 - Division Word Problems 114 - 118 - Ratio Word Problems 119 - 124 - Coordinate Graphs 125 - 130 - Perimeter 131 - 135 - Area 136 - 145 Elapsed Time Clocks and Watches 146 - 171 - Answer Keys 172 - 175 - Credits and Terms of Use
Activities included: Starter: A set of questions to check that pupils can evaluate expressions Main: Examples of «fill the blank» statements represented as equations, and a definition of the words solve and solution.
Their enthusiastic first - year teacher had used the Common Core standards to guide what he'd taught the students all year, but the content of the sample exam, which required dragging and dropping algebraic expressions into boxes and filling in blank boxes with equations, was proving challenging.
I said simply, with a blank «duh» expression on my face as I downed my glass of champagne.
The waterfront also boasts a few new bars including the ubiquitous Irish bar, The Shamrock, where you can amuse yourself by seeing the blank expressions on the faces of the staff when you ask them what a shamrock is.
This issue of character connection isn't helped by completely blank facial expressions on every character and the body language often fails to even vaguely grasp what's going on leading to a rather disjointed experience.
The hands of famed game designer Peter Molyneux are all over the design, from the handful of expressions that are the only way for your character to interact with townspeople - which includes farting at them - to the blank - slate lead character that seems to alter the world around him.
When asked why he gave many of his figures blank faces, Matisse explained, «Because the expression is carried by the whole picture....
Is there power in the invulnerability of the blank expression?
Sigurdson is approaching the exhibition space as a blank corporate entity; furthermore, he is framing the space, covering every inch of it with structures that are regarded as support for the very basis of art expression.
Unseen Warhol, (contributor), Rizzoli, 1996 Rizzi, John Szoke 1997 Glamour, Style, Fashion: The Warhol Look, Andy Warhol Museum, 1997 Blank Generation Reviseted: Early Days of Punk Rock, Schirmer, 1997 SOAPBOX: Essays Diatribes Homilies and Screeds 1980 - 1997, Imschoot, 1998 Artist / Author: Contemporary Artists Books, (contributor), DAP, 1998 Basquiat, Tony Shafrazi Gallery, 1999 The Style Guy, Ballantine Books, 2000 Human Nature (dub version), 2001, Greybull Press Anh Duong, Assouline, 2001 People After Dark, Roxane Lowit, (introduction,) Assouline, 2001 New York Beat, Petit Grand, 2001 New York Expression, Bergen Kunstmuseum 2002 Photographs of Ron Gallela, Greybull Press, 2002 Tom Sachs: Nutsy's, Guggenheim Museum, 2003 Shriners, with Lisa Eisner, Greybull Press, 2004 Andy Warhol: The Late Works, (contributor), Prestel Verlag, 2004 Yours In Food, (contributor), John Baldessari, Princeton, 2004 Maripolarama, Powerhouse, 2005 People, Roxane Lowit, Assouline, 2005 Public Access: Ricky Powell Photographs 1985 - 2005, Powerhouse, 2005 Pam: American Icon, Stellan Holm Gallery, 2005 James Nares: New Paintings, Kasmin, 2005 Warhol's World, Steidl, 2006 The Jean - Michel Basquiat Show, Skira, 2006 Katlick School, with Sante D'Orazio, TeNeus, 2006 Jean - Michel Basquiat: 1981, The Studio of the Street, Charta / Deitch 2007 Richard Prince, Guggenheim Museum, 2007 Out of Mind, Shawn Mortensen, Abrams, 2007 Leadbelly: A Life in Pictures, Steidl, 2008 Warhol by Gallela: That's Great, Monacelli, 2008 John Lurie, A Fine Example of Art, Powerhouse, 2008 Acid Candy, Miles Aldridge, Reflex Editions, 2008 Christopher Wool, Taschen, 2008
The moon - faced girl with the blank expression and the downcast eyes is painted larger than life, her face almost unpainted, a plane of primed canvas, as though her life, too, was an impenetrable vacancy.
The painting is typical of its genre in that the artist focuses on the individuals and their expressions while leaving the background blank.
In both studies, participants stood in front of a blank, white wall and were told to maintain a comfortable expression while their photograph was taken.
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