Sentences with phrase «blanket opposition»

What we've got to do is listen to what people round the country said to us and recognise that we didn't get elected again and this wasn't a blip this was the second time we haven't got elected and actually what people don't what us to do, they don't want us to do blanket opposition, they want us actually to be specific about what we are going to be challenging and holding the government to account on.
Andy will not offer blanket opposition and, where we agree with a government policy, we won't oppose for the sake of it.
«The bishops» blanket opposition appears to the serve the interests of a political agenda, not the needs of the American people,» Salt continued, e-mailing his group's support for the White House to tens of thousands of Catholics nationwide.
First, the scientific consensus on global warming has hardened, making blanket opposition to it harder to maintain... a hapless effort to scrap the endangerment finding, which would invite a backlash from the next Democratic administration.
When Harriet has to deal with a sobbing mum at a constituency surgery whose life has become harder because she has three kids, will that woman be comforted by bland assertions that «we could not offer blanket opposition» or that «we didn't win the election ``?
Although the book helped persuade the commission to recommend lifting the church's blanket opposition to contraception, Paul VI eventually was persuaded to ignore the majority view of his own commission.
The blanket opposition to hunting is one of the surprising reasons (to city - dwellers) that many rural people simply won't consider voting Labour: «they just don't understand our way of life».
«We can't simply say to the public you were wrong... We're not going to do blanket opposition because we've heard all around the country that whilst people have got concerns, particularly about the standard of living for low income families in work, they don't want just... blanket opposition to what the government are proposing on welfare.»
Labour shouldn't be a blanket opposition, but that shouldn't lead to proactively supporting the wrong policies #taxcredits
Speaking over the weekend, Ms Harman said Labour had to win back the trust of voters when it came to the economy - and they could not to that through «blanket opposition» to the Conservatives» budget.
Ms Harman said Labour would oppose some of the changes to tax credits, as well as the abolition of the child poverty targets, but that they wouldn't do «blanket opposition» because people don't want it.
House Democratic leaders have softened their blanket opposition to Social Security cuts in a «fiscal cliff» package despite anger from rank - and - file members of their conference.
Some environmental groups are starting to soften their blanket opposition to nuclear power as an option for cutting coal use and emissions, but most still maintain that bright line in the sand.
Greenpeace cashed in it's scientific credibility in the late 90s when they started their blanket opposition to GM food.
I have little doubt that much of the «bird killing, bat mangling, fish destroying» accusations so often leveled against wind power — both offshore and onshore — are largely based on ideological prejudice and a blanket opposition to green energy.
Blanket opposition and conditional opposition to settling native title determinations through agreement have been raised at the government level.
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