Sentences with phrase «blanket statements without»

My point howecer is that too many posts are made of no brainer fluff and make blanket statements without giving examples to support their point of view.
I wish people here wouldn't make blanket statements without knowing the true facts.
Granted it was 40 years ago and things change, but considering that ethopian jews are in israel and have the right to protest in the first place is a pretty big deal and worth considering before making blanket statements without understanding the entire situation.
In the medical community, I would expect opposition to this because homebirth is still seen as reckless and unsafe as a blanket statement without taking into consideration provider, practice, and level of care.
As for how Amazon treats its employees, «even white collar workers» and how they «rarely» stay more than two years, there's another blanket statement without proof.
You made a blanket statement without quantifying the parameters which would be required to prove it either true or false — which leave is completely open to interpretation.
In my opinion, the author's advice was irresponsible when she made a blanket statement without knowledge of the individual job seeker's writing and / or personal marketing skills.

Not exact matches

In either case, you can't make a blanket statement of the media like that without coming across bias yourself.
I get the feeling your comment is actually a blanket statement drafted your office to rebut some widespread, negative publicity about Latch On NYC, and you're now blanketing the Internet with that statement as fast as you can — without paying much attention to its recipients.
As for the quality of low - category hotels, it's hard to make a blanket statement like that without researching thousands of hotels across all three chains — something I've done and I haven't found Hilton hotels to be noticeably lower in quality.
Takayuki Toyama of Avix Inc in Kanagawa, Japan, and Alan Stainer of Middlesex University Business School in London say that blanketing 60,000 square kilometers of desert with reflective sheeting would «be adequate to offset the heat balance and lead to a net cooling without any need to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide» according to a statement from Inderscience, publisher of the journal.
Her blanket statements about life insurance are ignorant and without grounds.
Stretching all the way from the countertops to the ceiling, the tiles create a bold style statement while also helping to cocoon the open kitchen, which could feel a little too spacious without the blanket of tile surrounding it.
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