Sentences with phrase «bleaching event in the history»

With the world now in the midst of the longest and probably worst global coral bleaching event in history, it's boom time for Vevers.
In what's being called the worst bleaching event in history, warming waters are killing off the algae in a huge part of the reef.
Unprecedented warm ocean waters from 2014 through 2017 caused the most widespread and damaging coral bleaching event in history, killing millions of corals from the Great Barrier Reef to the Hawaiian Islands.
We are currently in the midst of the the third and quite possibly worst global coral bleaching event in history, thanks to record high sea temperatures caused by a strong...
With the world now in the midst of the longest and probably worst global coral bleaching event in history, it's boom time for Vevers.
We are currently in the midst of the the third and quite possibly worst global coral bleaching event in history, thanks to record high sea temperatures caused by a strong El Niño and climate change.

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The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has declared a global bleaching event, making this only the third such crisis in recorded history.
However, to date, no field studies have specifically investigated how thermal history affects bleaching susceptibility in individual corals during real - world heat stress events.
At that time the 1982 event was described as «the most widespread coral bleaching and mortality in recorded history» but today there is debate about whether it and the 1987 events» severity was bad enough to count as a true «global bleaching event».
Before this year there had been three major bleaching events identified in the modern history of the reef - 1998, 2002 and 2016.
Scientists labeled 2016 the worst bleaching event in the Reef's history after aerial surveys revealed severe damage throughout the northern and middle sections, with only the southern, cooler third left unharmed.
The Great Barrier Reef has experienced three major bleaching events in its recent history (Credit: Tory Chase ARC / Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies)
The Great Barrier Reef has experienced three major bleaching events in its recent history (Credit: Terry Hughes / ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies)
The Great Barrier Reef has experienced three major bleaching events in its recent history (Credit: Greg Torda / ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies)
The 1997/1998 El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) was the most severe coral bleaching event in recent history, resulting in the loss of 16 % of the world's coral reefs.
For the third time in recorded history, a massive coral bleaching event is unfolding throughout the world's oceans, stretching from Hawaii to the Indian Ocean.
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