Sentences with phrase «blebs on»

Reactive blebs on an intradermal skin test, which helps create allergy shots.
So, if there are a few milk blebs on the nipple, it could resemble thrush.
TSH (thyrotropin) is produced in your dog or cat's pituitary gland, a tiny bleb on the bottom of its brain that produces an amazing array of hormones that regulate its entire body.

Not exact matches

I ended up having to stop nursing on one side not only because of pain, but because everything on that side freaked out and shut down from what might have been thrush, or might not have been... as they said thrush is hard to diagnose and they thought I had it but then they ended up deciding it was mastitis right behind my nipple (also hard to diagnose because I don't get flu like symptoms) AND thrush AND blebs.
Milk Blister: A milk blister or nipple bleb is a small white or yellow spot on the nipple that blocks the end of the milk duct.
A milk blister (or bleb) is similar to a clog, except that it's a blockage right on the nipple that prevents milk from flowing out.
Unlike a clogged duct, a bleb is on the surface and is visible.
Plugged ducts may also be accompanied by a «bleb», which is a white spot on the nipple — either a spot of dried milk or a milk filled blister, which covers the nipple pore.
Milk blisters, also known as blebs, occur when a pore on the nipple becomes clogged.
There is absolutely no evidence that breastfeeding through a mastitis / bleb episode or even a fever is harmful to your babes (unless you end up on certain meds).
Needless to say, the first week my twins were home and I was pumping like a madwoman and getting very little sleep, the first hard lump and bleb (a small white spot on the tip of the nipple that looks like a tiny, milk - filled blister) that happened completely freaked me out.
I dealt with mastitis, thrush, blebs, and other pains, physical and emotional, that other breastfeeding mothers deal with, but on top of all that, I had to wash bottles and pumps several times a day too.
I didn't have any troubles with my daughter but suffered with painful nipples with my son, I had milk blebs (which are basically clogged ducts) it took a few days to go away and for my son to latch on correctly and it sorted out itself I used pure, virgin, unrefined coconut oil on my nipples between feeds and it helped a lot
At the same time, coauthor Peter Adams, from the University of Glasgow, published a previous study on the breakdown of the nuclear lamina in which he observed a peculiar protrusion, or blebbing, of the nuclear envelope into the cytoplasm, and these blebs contained DNA, nuclear lamina proteins, and chromatin (the nuclear structures in which genes reside).
A couple of years later, MIT postdoctoral fellow Steven Biller proposed that these blebs might be vesicles, based on their resemblance to vesicles from other species.
The virus seemed to trigger and enter through a balloonlike structure, or bleb, on the cell surface, which normally only forms during cell movement, division, or death.
«These changes look like large membrane bubbles on the human cell surface, noted here as blebs,» said Shanks.
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