Sentences with phrase «bleeding diarrhea and vomiting»

I will be throwing it out after reading about the cases of bleeding diarrhea and vomiting.

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Then comes vomiting, diarrhea and bleeding from bodily orifices.
If baby is experiencing abdominal pain, significant bleeding in the stool, diarrhea, vomiting, and / or fever, then more urgent medical care is indicated.
While health officials did not provide specific details on the course of Spencer's illness, Ebola patients experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as severe diarrhea and vomiting, in addition to bleeding.
Ebola and the closely related Marburg viruses are highly contagious, causing vomiting, diarrhea and bleeding with death rates as high as 90 percent.
An autoimmune disease, ulcerative colitis inflames the colon and leaves it rife with open sores; patients experience intense abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, rectal bleeding and weight loss.
People afflicted with the disease suffer from high fever, diarrhea, vomiting, pain and sometimes bleeding.
Vomiting, diarrhea, heavy bleeding, and debilitating cramps meant Amy had to take days off work every month.
The clinical signs associated with the visceral form include fever, anorexia, weakness, exercise intolerance, severe weight loss, diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding from the nose, and blood in the stool (usually seen as dark, tarry stools, called melena).
Proheart 6 (moxidectin): Severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis): facial swelling, itching, difficulty breathing, collapse; lethargy, not eating or losing interest in food; any change in activity level; seizures; vomiting and / or diarrhea (with and without blood) weight loss; pale gums, increased thirst or urination, weakness, bleeding, bruising; rare instances of death.
Clinical signs include some combination of fever, lethargy, joint and muscle pain, lymph node enlargement, coughing, difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, and bruising and bleeding.
• Lethargy • Exercise intolerance • Collapsing or seizures • Anorexia • Weight loss • Increased thirst (more than one ounce per pound of body weight per day) and / or increased urination • Decreased urination • Painful urination • Abnormal urine color / smell • Not using litter box consistently • Sores that do not heal • Difficulty eating / swallowing • Diarrhea • Blood in the stool • Unkempt appearance of coat or skin • Dark or tarry appearing stool • Decreased defecation frequency • Painful defecation • Dry / hard stool • Redness, swelling, or bleeding of the gums • Difficulty breathing / rapid breathing (more than 35 breaths per minute) • Redness / swelling / soreness of the foot pads • Changes in behavior • Nasal discharge • Ocular discharge • Bleeding or discharge • Vomiting • Abnormal gait • Excessive shedding • Lesions on the skin • Head shaking • Coughing • Apparent bleeding of the gums • Difficulty breathing / rapid breathing (more than 35 breaths per minute) • Redness / swelling / soreness of the foot pads • Changes in behavior • Nasal discharge • Ocular discharge • Bleeding or discharge • Vomiting • Abnormal gait • Excessive shedding • Lesions on the skin • Head shaking • Coughing • Apparent Bleeding or discharge • Vomiting • Abnormal gait • Excessive shedding • Lesions on the skin • Head shaking • Coughing • Apparent deafness
When pets get poisoned, they vomit, experience diarrhea, foaming at the mouth, nosebleed, and bleeding from the mouth.
Toxicosis is characterized by bleeding (from gums, nose, or into body cavities, other sites), pale / white gums, presence of large bruises (easily seen in less hairy areas like the abdominal skin or inside the legs and armpits), decreased appetite, bloody diarrhea, bloody vomiting, breathing difficulties, and lethargy or reluctance to exercise.
Ehrlichia can cause the following symptoms in dogs: fever, lethargy, loss of appetitie, weight loss, abnormal bleeding such as nosebleeds or bruising, enlarged lymph nodes, enlarged spleen, pain and stiffness, coughing, discharge from the eyes or nose, vomiting and diarrhea, inflammation of the eye, and neurological symptoms such as incoordination, depression, and paralysis.
The typical reactions not only included vomiting or diarrhea, but anaphylaxis with shock or death and serious immune - mediated diseases, which may manifest as bleeding disorders.
If the dog vomiting and diarrhea continues for more than a day, or if symptoms are accompanied by bleeding, lethargy and other symptoms, then a veterinarian needs to be consulted to test for and eliminate the following potential causes:
In the event of an allergic reaction - such as shortness of breath, rash, hives, vomiting, diarrhea, mucous or blood in the stool, swelling of the lips, tongue, or face, and unusual bleeding or bruising - contact your veterinarian immediately.
Homeopathy can be very effective at treating many acute conditions including shock, trauma / wounds, bites / stings, vomiting / diarrhea, poisoning, bleeding, fear, and infections, to name only a few.
Adverse reactions include severe allergic reactions, change in activity level, seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, bleeding, and bruising.
The potential side effects of Ivermectin (the active ingredient in Heartgard) include liver problems, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, depression, lethargy, skin eruptions, seizures, tremors, paralysis, autoimmune disorders, thyroid problems, fever, weakness, dizziness, coughing, nose bleeds, difficulty breathing, pneumonia, irritability, sudden aggressive behavior, nerve damage, fertility problems, and sudden death.
Signs of systemic involvement may include: loss of appetite, vomiting, bloody vomit, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dark or black feces, itchiness, lethargy, anorexia, irregular heart rhythm and blood pressure, coughing, labored breathing, various bleeding disorders, delayed wound healing, enlarged lymph nodes.
Common symptoms include intestinal bleeding, dehydration, coughing and sneezing, loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea, fever and discharge from the nose and eyes.
Missing From This List Readers may be scratching their heads and asking themselves why vomiting and diarrhea or bleeding did not make my top five list.
Check pet's Vitals (temperature, heart rate, respiration, gum color) and observe symptoms (difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, bleeding) to report to your veterinarian.
Vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, facial swelling Joint inflammation (arthritis, fever, muscle soreness), especially in Dobermans Skin rashes and itchiness Liver failure (nausea; yellowing of gums, skin, eyes) Inability to produce adequate tears or «dry eye» (increased blinking or discharge, eye rubbing) Sulfa bladder or kidney stones Blood abnormalities (bleeding tendencies, pale gums, fatigue, or fever of 103 - 105 ° F) Dogs can develop hypothyroidism with long - term use It is important to stop therapy and contact your veterinarian immediately if you think you pet has a medical problem or side effect from this product's therapy Can this drug be given with other drugs?
Vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, facial swelling Inability to produce adequate tears or «dry eye» (increased blinking or discharge, eye rubbing) Joint inflammation (arthritis, fever, muscle soreness) Skin rashes and itchiness Liver failure (nausea, yellowing of gums, skin, eyes) Blood abnormalities (bleeding tendencies, pale gums, fatigue, or fever of 103 - 105 ° F) Kidney damage (increased thirst and urination) If you notice anything unusual, contact your veterinarian Can this drug be given with other drugs?
Stomach and intestinal ulcers, prolonged bleeding, loss of appetite, vomiting, dark and tarry bowel movements, diarrhea and peritonitis.
Some symptoms of poisoning are: bleeding from mouth and nose, diarrhea, vomiting and renal failure.
Occasional side effects can involve digestive tract upset (i.e vomiting, diarrhea) and bleeding, as well as rare liver / kidney side effects.
Tell your veterinarian if your dog has ever experienced side effects from Novox or other NSAIDs such as aspirin, had digestive upset (vomiting and / or diarrhea), liver disease, kidney disease, or a bleeding disorder (for example, Von Willebrand's disease).
If your pet is vomiting, bleeding, has diarrhea, is not eating or drinking or looks and acts ill... then take that pet to the vet ASAP.
Exposure to pennyroyal oil may induce depression, vomiting, hepatic necrosis, diarrhea, epistaxis (nose bleeds), seizures, and death.
Cats can be released the day following surgery as long as they are alert, responsive, and are showing no signs of illness or surgical complications (bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, or lethargy).
Claimed ill effects included digestive tract blockages, choking, mouth cuts and sores, vomiting, diarrhea and rectal bleeding.
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