Sentences with phrase «bleeding problems»

The phrase "bleeding problems" means having difficulties or issues with bleeding, such as excessive bleeding or difficulties stopping bleeding. Full definition
The risk of internal bleeding problems is prominent during the first 13 weeks of a baby's life.
Nearly half of the drug - drug interactions identified could cause bleeding problems.
Besides bleeding problems, some also can lead to kidney failure.
It should not be used in animals with bleeding problems such as stomach ulcers and Von Willebrand's disease.
However, if they have had an ulcer or other type of bleeding problem in their GI tract, NSAIDs need to be used more conservatively.
There is also a greater risk of bleeding problems with synthetic vitamin E at high doses, so that the upper limit for vitamin E for adults is 1,100 IU of synthetic vitamin E, but 1,500 IU of natural vitamin E. Naturally, vitamin E also contains other tocopherols and tocotrienols, which may have benefit.
Protect your child's health by examining the risks of infant bleeding problems during ECMO treatment.
My male german shepherd has had a penis bleeding problem for th last 3 wks..
The dog may get bleeding problems such as; sudden nosebleeds or blood in the stool.
Elderly people seem especially prone to the Pradaxa - related bleeding problems.
Babies are born with very small amounts of vitamin K stored in their bodies, which can lead to serious bleeding problems like vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB).
A deficiency is probably the main cause of aneurisms and therefore many strokes, hemorrhoids, and many bleeding problems, as well as high blood cholesterol.
It is also used orally for weight loss and obesity, bleeding problems including coughing or vomiting blood, bloody diarrhoea, nosebleed, cerebral haemorrhage, and menstrual problems.
A rare but serious complication called disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) leads to bleeding problems throughout the body and is difficult to treat.
Contact your veterinarian if your pet experiences lack of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, depression, liver toxicity (jaundice - yellowing of the gums, skin, or eyes), or bleeding problems while being treated with Itraconazole.
Animals with Type I von Willebrand's disease, the most common form of the disorder, have mild to moderate bleeding problems.
We fight for victims injured, ill, or harmed from dangerous prescription drug side effects like peripheral neuropathy or heart aneurysm from Levaquin and Cipro; medication stomach acid and acid reflux drugs like Nexium, Prilosec, and Prevacid; and Xarelto bleeding problem lawsuits.
Plus, you don't have to worry about the backlight bleeding problem associated with LCD screens.
LG made this an edge - lit set and, as such, it is prone to edgelight bleeding problems.
A thread on Reddit claims there's a light bleed problem when playing UHD Blu - Ray with HDR enabled.
Precautions should be taken before surgery, so it is important to let your veterinarian know of bleeding problems in the past.
If these babies suffered internal bleeding problems, they may not have enough vitamin K to prevent a serious bleed.
A rare inherited disorder that has been identified in about 400 people worldwide, HPS is mainly characterized by decreased pigmentation (ocular or cutaneous albinism) and a lack of platelet dense bodies that causes bleeding problems.
This makes a typically elective surgery more stressful than it needs to be and carries the additional risk of bleeding problems during the surgery or post-operatively.
Warfarin - related bleeding problems have an antidote; a dose of fresh blood plasma and vitamin K, administered by a physician.
Dogs with bleeding problems should also not be massaged because the firm pressure on his muscles can cause further hemorrhage.
The risk of internal bleeding problems is prominent during the first...
While most babies can be circumcised within 2 days after birth, you may need to wait if your baby is premature, born with a problem to his penis, or has bleeding problems or his family has a history of them.
Maltese would only say that Seminerio had stomach and bleeding problems and «he knew he'd never come out» of prison.
«Because of the bleeding problem [in the image], it's very uncertain exactly what they're seeing,» he says.
Haemophilia is an X-linked genetic disease that is characterised by a reduced ability to form blood clots, leading to bleeding problems.
This herb can help keep inflammation at bay, effectively treating pain and increasing flexibility (note: avoid large doses of ginger if you are diabetic, have heart problems, or bleeding problems; keep your dose to eight 500 mg capsules or fewer.
«If a woman had severe anemia from heavy menstrual cycles, sterilization is going to prevent her from getting pregnant but it not help with her bleeding problem,» says Dr. Wu, «whereas with a hormonal IUD, some women will experience decreased bleeding.»
Vitamin K is also used for the prevention and treatment of a vitamin K deficiency, preventing certain clotting and / or bleeding problems, and reversing the effects of too much of the medicine used to stop blood clotting.
There are some potential side effects of alfalfa sprouts that should be taken into consideration, such as an increased risk of certain cancers, worsening of autoimmune diseases, potential infections, dangerously low blood sugar levels and bleeding problems.
Seizures, blindness, bleeding problems, and halitosis can also be seen.
Since cinnamon has a mild anti-coagulating effect on the blood, which reduces the blood's clotting properties, high amounts can lead to bleeding problems in dogs on blood - thinning medication.
Carriers almost never have bleeding problems (Johnson et al., 1988).
These diseases are recessive, so that both copies of the gene that a dog possesses must be mutant before the animal has a bleeding problem.
Coagulation tests in dogs may show increased partial thromboplastin times and hypofibrinogenemia, but clinical evidence of a bleeding problem is rare.
Often there will be changes indicating liver damage, dehydration, inflammation and bleeding problems.
Pets with bleeding problems or kidney disease Pets with stomach ulcers or bowel disorders Use with caution in pets with liver disease Cats should not receive this drug longer than 5 days Breeding and pregnant animals Directions:
May cause bleeding problems Some individuals may need prednisone administered along with ketoconazole Testicular secretion of testosterone is reduced; may produce a feminizing effect or infertility in males.
Low platelet numbers can indicate a bleeding problem.
Low platelets can indicate a bleeding problem.
These include gastric irritation or ulceration, bleeding problems, seizures and liver damage.
Unfortunately, with no known reversal agent for bleeding problems, many patients who developed hemorrhaging and excessive bleeding were severely injured or died.
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