Sentences with phrase «blended strategy»

You can blend these strategies together to bring about a trading model on the platform.
Even today's retirees can plan on withdrawal rates of 5 % (plus inflation) by implementing a dividend blend strategy.
Allison Statter, co-founder of Blended Strategy Group, shares the strategies she uses with famous clients such as the Kardashians to increase their influence.
I use this spice blend strategy for other recipes than just fajitas and you can find them all here.
I appreciate that the designers tried something new with the combat, but trying to blend strategy RPG elements with a hack»n' slash just didn't work in this case.
Across its three pilot high schools Birdville is pursuing station rotations, along with other blended strategies, including flipped lessons, to personalize learning for students.
Through our resources below learn more about how to make sense of the noise surrounding the active versus passive debate, as well as, how to build portfolios by blending these strategies together to meet client objectives.
Perhaps as a newcomer, it'll be more innovative — compare Dragon Commander, a genre - blending strategy game from a RPG studio.
Our Bethesda, MD couples therapists blend strategies and interventions from several couple therapy models to fit our conversations to your unique goals.
I appreciate that the designers tried something new with the combat, but trying to blend strategy RPG elements with a hack»n' slash just didn't work in this case.
Famitsu has said the game will blend strategy and music but full details are very scarce at this time.
Using gamification alongside a blended strategy means learners can effectively learn at their own pace — as long as there are accelerated options for those who prefer a faster - paced learning environment.
Blended strategies that foster connections between and among educators while engaging them in content help accelerate learning and build lasting community.
Furthermore, research tells us that a blended strategy makes for a more effective training program.
«With this blended strategy, we can effectively avoid the substantial investment involved in establishing a separate luxury channel, while still providing an enhanced dealership environment with an upgraded ownership experience that will deliver a substantial incremental profit opportunity with a very reasonable dealer investment.»
As part of a blended strategy, it lifts the income stream to 5.8 % of the original balance (plus inflation).
However, compared to 100 % indexing, the blended strategy will be worse for most people.
Compared to 100 % active stock - picking, the blended strategy would benefit most people.
Unlike the blend strategy, a portfolio created on the GARP way of investing is expected to help find stocks that offer the best of both value and growth investing.
The Special Kind of Investment does not need to be a superior investment when it is part of a blended strategy.
As part of a blended strategy, it lifted the income stream to 5.8 % of the original balance (plus inflation).
It's a brilliant system that blends the strategy of turn - based battling with the frenetic pace of action games, and Final Fantasy would stick with it up until the PlayStation 2 era, when Tidus came along and ruined everything.
Famitsu has said the game will blend strategy and music but full details are very scarce at this time.
It's not overly complex, but it blends strategy and light puzzling in a delightful way.
By using this blending strategy you may be able to achieve your goal of having some insurance that lasts longer, and keep your costs down at the same time.
When refreshing professional profiles, such as LinkedIn, market your value in a way that comes across as a blended strategy: marketing your current organization while also touting your own achievements.
A blended strategy of using social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, helps identify referral opportunities.
Yesler is a B2B marketing agency that blends strategy,...
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