Sentences with word «blessedness»

My interlocutor was an adherent to a particularly colorless construal of the beatific vision, one that allows for no real participation of animal creation (except eminently, through us) in the final blessedness of the Kingdom; I, by contrast, hope to see puppies in paradise, and persevere in faith principally for that reason.
And yet she does more; for her face, her face, yes, it is beckoning like the reward of the Good and like the encouragement of Eternal Blessedness.
God made a choice — he chose some individuals to be saved unto everlasting blessedness in heaven, and he chose others to pass over, allowing them to suffer the consequences of their sins, eternal punishment in hell (Sproul, Grace Unknown, 141).
The Christian himself can conceive no ideal of love higher than that of the Boddhisattva who renounces his own final blessedness for the sake of the world.
He was raised as a worker, came proclaiming God's caring for the poor, announced blessedness for them, sided with the underprivileged, confronted the powerful and went to the cross to open up a new life for humankind.
Their joy and blessedness comes out of their utter dependence on God; it is the joy of walking in the company of God.
What Jesus calls blessedness we call failure.
At this point he went further than the passage in Isaiah 26:19, for he held out the hope that not only the faithful martyrs would be raised to everlasting blessedness, but the unfaithful apostates would be raised to receive their eternal punishment.
The acceptance of suffering for the right and for Christ certainly brings blessedness to follow (3:14).
He receives blessedness as an individual.
Like Debbie, I thought «grace»... but that the grace of being shown one's own blessedness, one's own beauty can be overwhelming and hard to face, especially when we've been taught otherwise, all in the name of the virtue of «humility.»
Lancelot offers no vision of this latter blessedness, but it does make clear the religious alternatives which our sexual paradise has already forced upon us: «Take such a species, the human, give it a two - hour work week and a hundred year life expectancy and it doesn't take a genius to see what God has in mind for man.»
Jesus goes on to describe this kingdom as a future blessedness.
He is specifically cited in Reformation arguments, especially by Calvin, and both Luther and Calvin recognized that the themes they emphasized as the essential gospel had been stressed earlier by Augustine: the universality and depth of the problem of sin; the consequent incapacity of even the «best» persons to follow the law commanding inward love, the possibility of salvation — of escaping condemnation and of gaining blessedness — through God's grace alone.
Hence Aquinas insists that gift involves a notion of the unreturnable, even though he also asserts that the ultimate blessedness of charity involves reception as well as giving.
Heaven stands for the complete blessedness and joy of life in perfect unity with nature, man, and God.
For there is the experience that the abyss protects, that pure silence is tender, that the distance is home and that the ultimate question brings its own answer, that the very mystery communicates itself as pure blessedness.
Does someone achieve blessedness and justification in God's eyes because he has conscientiously fulfilled the duties of blood vengeance?
The word beatitude means blessedness, or the highest happiness.
But a word like blessedness calls for some thinking.
How can that develop from a relationship with one who has unquestionable authority over us, especially if we think that blessedness includes a significant degree of self - direction?
All evil is banished and blessedness reigns without qualification.
Blessedness also refers to the joy which springs from within, which is completely independent of the changes and chances of the situation one may be in.
It is through union with him in the Church that we find our true identity, forgiveness for our sins, and the only way to true blessedness in God.
The merciful bodhisattva vows not to enter blessedness himself until all living things have found redemption.
The Kingdom of God, heaven, paradise, the land of happiness (sukhavati), Brahmanirvana, and Parinirvana — these are all but various names for one reality, the «highest blessedness» (paranam sukham), as the Buddhists say.
Can any wealth assure us that our children will find blessedness in lives of integrity, unharmed by the world's temptations?
The house embodied for him the general blessedness of his life, which was manifest, really indisputable.
Since our human nature is fallen, and since eternal blessedness is a gift far beyond the powers and merits of every created nature, it is to be expected that most human beings fall short of achieving that goal.
Yet the eschatological situation in which he found himself was not yet that of the final blessedness, but rather the «last hour», in which forgiveness was offered to the penitent.
May God bless you and your family and all the whole world which needs God's blessedness for this world is so full of bitterness fruits that mankind can not righteously console all such ills for our weaknesses and infirmities do lay heavily upon our longing to be done deeds and yet are only little deeds sparingly being so done.
Those failures are no reason to lower the bar of expectation, to foreshorten our aspirations to the goodness needed for eternal life; they are a reason to get up, seek reconciliation, and continue on the journey into the life of blessedness the Holy Spirit, «the Counselor» who brings consolation, makes possible.
In summary we can say that the heart principle of the sacraments is the Self - giving of God to his creatures according to the nature of the creature which raises them into perfect union with himself, One could even argue that God the Son is «sacrament of the angels» in a certain sense for He is their principle of Life and blessedness.
In the life of heaven the body would at the very least be a redundant appendix to eternal blessedness.
The first task in the art of dying well is to learn how to live an existence that leads to blessedness.
His gospel did not promise blessedness, nor did it bind salvation to legal or moral conditions: blessedness is the «only reality.»
Christianity is a dysangel because it retreated into the very «history» which Jesus transcended and transformed, the transformation of the blessedness of Jesus» proclamation into the No - saying of resentment.
Prayer in the smaller and still more intimate group of two or three friends who love and understand each other well enough to share all their other interests can be a doorway to blessedness.
It is far better to know that there is one who is altogether free from and victorious over all evil and who offers to us the ultimate privilege of sharing with him in his blessedness.
That was apparently how the ancient Hebrews took solemn oaths because of the blessedness of the «seed» which God had promised to multiply to Abraham and his descendants.
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