Sentences with phrase «blessing of»

Due to the widespread radiation contamination, the lives of those who once lived with blessings of nature were lost and in many areas, dramatically altered.
Thanks for blessing all of us by sharing your heart and home for us to see!
They want his blessing along with all the other blessings of life.
Over the years as a managing broker and owner, I have had the great blessing of working with some of the best agents in the business.
It is easy for «improper reasons» to kick in if one does not recognise the true blessings of family life.
It's a curse among the many blessings of modern day life and convenience.
The Internet offers the mixed blessing of abundance, and when it comes to legal information, volume is not a proxy for value.
It has been the biggest blessing of our lives..
He believed diversity was not a curse but a wonderful blessing of creation.
This was the most blessed of national title runs.
The violent mystery of sacrifice goes back to the dawn of human time, but it has no purchase on the original blessing of creation that stands even further back still.
Id like to meet someone who I can laugh and enjoy the simple blessings of..
The greatest blessing of today's verdict was knowing that my son was in the counsel of two wonderful men who cared about him more than the win.
I would be delighted if there was and we could exchange our experience of the sacred blessings of raising and wearing children.
Your daily blessings of life as you now live it!
I see no sympathy toward the instinct of generosity nor any real appreciation of the genuine blessing of material prosperity.
An unexpected blessing of being a blogger is the chance to do collaborations with other creative and talented artists.
Nevertheless, until recently, lawyers have used email for all client communications with the ethical blessing of the bar associations.
Though these two books are quite different in tone and style, both navigate the intricate frustrations and blessings of couples who chose to take the much less traveled route.
A frustrating blessing of the mysteries of faith is that we can never wrap our minds around them completely.
Among the several blessings of my work as a funeral director is that I have seen the power of such faith in the face of death.
It is this potential which finally yields the artist's blessing of form.
Thank you!!!! Thanks to your incredible ice cream recipes, I've had the dilemma / blessing of sooo many egg whites.
Again, we recommend changing your dietary or exercise practices with the prior blessing of your physician.
Just do it, for the benefits and blessings of slowing down and relaxing long enough to breathe.
The commercial blessings of banning, in this country, are well known.
Enjoy the privilege and blessing of intimacy and sex as much as possible in your marriage relationship.
Getting to know you has definitely been one of my nicest blessings of 2013!
If all He gave me were blessings of happiness and joy, I would never know the true meaning of His love.
Really brings home how blessed each of us are, every breath we take.
What follows is a life filled with blessings of all sorts.
The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach.
This is one of the mixed blessings of being an indie author — creative freedom means you get to title and cover your book how you want.
So I decided to start my own blog, and it has been one of the biggest blessings of my life.
This is the perk of being a woman, you can be as strong as a guy yet have the wonderful blessing of being beautiful and fragile too.
I hope to hear from you people with lot of blessings of GOD and must share with these individuals In need as we have lot of life left to enjoy and do what we always wanted to do but giving time money and knowledge to get closer to ones destiny is the most important obligation of our life.
So in a way, Biscoitti wondering what Ray thinks, he's also feeling out Ray to get his blessing, which in turn might get blessing of fans.
That millions of people have deliberately or by default preferred the ordered life of the police state to the hazardous blessings of liberty is striking evidence of the vacuum of meaninglessness into which modernity has plunged mankind.
These healings, as the constant accompaniment of oral witness, symbolize the fact that the church in mission always took care of every human need at the same time that it offered the particular blessing of salvation.
Republican state senator Mimi Walters, R - Calif., has registered BOL - PAC - Blessings of Liberty PAC, as a leadership PAC with the Federal Election Commission.
Being Muslim is no doubt a great blessing of Allah as Islam provides perfect ways to spend our lives peacefully...
What this world - wide blessing of Abraham really is, Abraham does not know, but it is promised, and Abraham believed the word of promise.
If I were advocating for unqualified blessing of same - sex unions in the church, I would hope that I'd have the humility and charity and intellectual honesty to grapple with Scripture and the church's tradition in a way that didn't dismiss it as simply «homophobic» or hopelessly benighted.
Instead, what Republican lawmakers have done, with the express blessing of Gov. Rick Perry, is hurt Texas women, especially the women who most desperately need a health care safety net.

Phrases with «blessing of»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z