Sentences with phrase «blind acceptance»

Use logic and reason instead of blind acceptance of 2000 year old myths, written by a primitive culture.
I guess we want to do it through hard work and observation... not just blind acceptance or just due to a principle of «we are here so somebody made us».
In short, the consensus is not about blind acceptance.
Without knowing how ideas were developed, learning science would require blind acceptance of many ideas about the natural world that appear to run counter to common sense.
Throughout her writing and lectures, virtual communication researcher Sherry Turkle shares unsettling stories of «connecting» in the Digital Age — chilling anecdotes from her own life and from the lives of others that illustrate the dangers of taking the norms of today's high - tech society for granted — snapshots of moments that expose the alienation created by blind acceptance of these norms.
If blind acceptance is all that is required, why do people spend so much time looking for evidence, be it for God or for atheism (i.e. big bang, evolution, etc.)?
The notion of blind acceptance on the part of the 50 % of Americans that Nye reports makes me want to update my Passport again.
our country will be the worse for it as more students face the brainwashing of liberal education's agenda to promote blind acceptance that truth and creed do not exist.
First of all, acknowledging the power of index investing is not «imbibing the Kool - Aid,» which implies blind acceptance of an unproven claim.
As time went on I did hang out with John more, and he opened up my mind to the surprising insurgent potential of painting, initiated by its nearly blind acceptance as art no matter what you did with it.
Hard - working journalists cringe at it, and frustration grows over the public's apparent blind acceptance of it.
These are the people who eat the twisted theology, shit it out, and re-eat the same shit, as it did not change by any means in the process of digesting — Hell, there's no digestion, just blind acceptance, swallowing, and shitting back out of this hateful theology.
Evangelical support for Trump, while robust, seems to have been driven by prudential judgment and fear of a Clinton presidency, rather than by blind acceptance.
Way to abandon earnest inquiry in favor of blind acceptance of absurd supersti.tion.
Which is why Faith is problematic, it represents the blind acceptance of belief, and if you wish to test said beliefs you are shunned as someone who lacks faith.
But what if with our blind acceptance of the terminology we've also accepted the lie that the most significant relationships in our lives are the ones that include physical attraction, sexual chemistry, and romantic experiences?
First let it be said that a blind acceptance of such stories simply because they are in the Bible or attested by Church authority has no place in an intelligent religious outlook.
The first, being unchallenged belief or blind acceptance.
A blind acceptance of the New Testament mythology would be arbitrary, and to press for its acceptance as an article of faith would be to reduce faith to works.
Mr. Wu (nice Niven reference, btw LW,) has used his to question the concept of blind acceptance of dogma without critical thinking.
Im also sorry your grasp on concepts and blind acceptance of them as truth has apparently led you down a confusing path.
During the recent controversy over whether Muslim women in Britain should wear the veil, Dr. Taj Hargey, chairman of the Muslim Educational Centre in Oxford, wrote «In contrast to a blind acceptance of specific 7th - century tribal Arabian dress and cultural norms, which have no eternal scriptural endorsement (as believers are required only to be modest), modern Muslims should revive the Islamic principle of ijtihadto interpret the faith for themselves.»
This is probably why there is not one pa.ssage in the Bible in support of intelligence and healthy skepticism, but literally hundreds in support of blind acceptance and blatant gullibility.
No, I learned them in science class and we got that knowledge by observation and questioning, not blind acceptance of what we were told by «authorities.»
One thing I would ask you to reconsider is your statement about Christianity not allowing thinking, or as you said, «This is probably why there is not one passage in the Bible in support of intelligence and healthy skepticism, but literally hundreds in support of blind acceptance and blatant, sheep - like gullibility.»
This is probably why there is not one passage in the Bible in support of intelligence and healthy skepticism, but literally hundreds in support of blind acceptance and blatant, sheep - like gullibility.
For it to work, the movie relies on the conceit of blind acceptance to something that, beyond appearing ridiculous at face value, seems to have little to no effect to actually helping Walter's condition.
«The Glass Castle» is a peculiar film about hindsight forgiveness, more than blind acceptance.
Jack Paglen's screenplay offers a cautionary tale about our blind acceptance of the invasion of technology.
Questionable politics aside, the movie's blind acceptance of this world and its continuation means that the story itself is essentially a non-starter.
In, A blind acceptance of the robot teacher, Lecker takes on the charter school industry advocates who claim that teachers don't need all those education and child development courses.
Whatever your personal beliefs there is surely one thing that the majority of us can agree on, which is that whether we believe in one God, or many, or in none at all, we can agree that any deity worthy of our belief is not only robust enough to be able to cope with us questioning our beliefs as a process of gaining a greater understanding, but would actually welcome this process as preferable to blind acceptance.
And this comes from the realization that there are some opinions and some beliefs so incredibly inane, we may actually on occasion feel insane for not believing them; and that is probably because in giving the benefit of the doubt we self - doubt, we convince ourselves into lame passivity and blind acceptance, we tell ourselves, «Maybe I'm just missing something here.
It takes up and expands on the ideas of his previous work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, but approached from a more critical, polemical direction.In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche attacks past philosophers for their alleged lack of critical sense and their blind acceptance of Christian premises in their consideration of morality.
Now, that wasn't based on just my blind acceptance of their statements.
In Not Evil Just Wrong two Irish filmmakers take on Al Gore and the blind acceptance of his doomsday agenda.
His blind acceptance of McI's accusation is unacceptable.
The failure to interview credible and independent eye witnesses who presented themselves at the scene to Durham Police, the blind acceptance of absurd accounts by the attackers of Dafonte Miller, the wrongful and illegal arrest of the victim Dafonte Miller and the deliberate exclusion of the Special Investigations Unit are all undeniable realities of the Dafonte Miller case.
Blind acceptance of an authority's statement.
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