Sentences with phrase «blind forces»

Our economic problems were not visited on this country by some cruel act of god or blind force of nature.
According to the traditional scientific picture the universe is a random collection of particles with blind forces acting upon them.
Its center and essence was not blind force or some sort of cold, inert reality, but a personal God.
Finally, Hartshorne stresses the ethical and social defectiveness of humanism: if the total universe and even human bodies are essentially loveless machines driven by blind forces, «then it is impossible that the conception of spirit or love should have more than a very fitful hold upon us.
The wider implication of Darwin's evolutionism was that blind forces immanent in nature account for the complex order that we now observe.
But history isn't a blind force.
Our existence is a product of blind forces, a series of highly improbable occurrences.
My long struggle with the blind forces is nearly over.
This conclusion is supported by Whitehead's admission that his main thesis is that «a social system is kept together by the blind force of instinctive actions, and of instinctive emotions clustered around habits and prejudices» (S 81).
In practice, custom is transferred unconsciously; hence Whitehead appropriately speaks of «the blind force of instinctive actions» (S 81; emphasis added).
Panofsky stresses the signs of «unregenerate nature,» of «the blind forces of growth and decay» from which the new order promises salvation.
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