Sentences with phrase «bloated budget»

The phrase "bloated budget" refers to a budget that has been inflated or overly increased beyond what is necessary or reasonable. Full definition
The economic crisis offers governments an opportunity to trim bloated budgets and to make preparations for the long term.
«Other parks superintendents got to be Santa Claus,» Claypool observes wryly, referring to the problems - plagued Park District's notoriously long history of bloated budgets, runaway spending and lack of administrative controls.
Since it is unlikely they will have any important effect on growth, they will bloat the budget deficit at a time when we should be preparing for the next downturn, for rising entitlement costs, and potentially for the need for increased national security spending.
Collins called it the most bloated budget in America and claimed he could find billions of dollars in savings if he were asked.
Mayor Bloomberg's call for relatively modest spending cuts provokes warnings that the city will sink into the Hudson if a penny is subtracted from bloated budgets.
They assail Spielberg for two of the greatest problems in modern cinema history: the Blockbuster mentality that now permeates the commercial film industry, leaving little room for intellectually challenging works; and the dumbing down of contemporary movies that promotes bloated budgets and relies on wham - bam action flicks.
Many of my friends have suggested inspiring books about minimalizing any of Dave Ramsey's finance books about slimming bloated budgets, Simplify by Joshua Becker, and this book about the KonMari method of organizing.
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During his time at NAR, Smith has overseen a dramatic staff downsizing, reined in a dangerously bloated budget, reduced the committee structure while encouraging greater member participation, and helped bring about the birth of NAR's Intranet site for members, One Realtor Place ®.
«They would bloat the budget deficit at a time when we should be preparing for the next downturn, for rising entitlement costs and potentially for the need for increased national security spending,» former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers recently wrote.
Elsewhere, the star - studded A Wrinkle in Time, featuring Reese Witherspoon and Oprah with acclaimed director Ava DuVernay, has barely cracked $ 100 million worldwide, perhaps not even enough to enter the black on its bloated budget.
, featuring Reese Witherspoon and Oprah with acclaimed director Ava DuVernay, has barely cracked $ 100 million worldwide, perhaps not even enough to enter the black on its bloated budget.
And their half baked schemes to bring a bloated budget into balance because of years of bad decisions that Davey sat on the side lines watching are setting the groundwork to ruin the state.
Governor Cuomo and liberals in the Assembly continue to increase our bloated budget while hiking taxes on hardworking New Yorkers.
My own advice to George Osborne is the same as last July; protect the NHS frontline but not the whole, bloated budget.
But with the 50 percent reduction and with the guarantee that this would spark a larger conversation about Nassau's bloated budget and cutting spending, I echo the sentiments of Mr. Nicolello when he said that Laura's administration made the case that the $ 23 million would protect against a possible bond downgrade and allow them cash - flow flexibility.»
Regardless of this fact he says, government must sit on its toes to address the worrying concerns of citizens as far as corruption and vigilantism is concerned and tackle rising issues surrounding the bloated budget and dinner seats to ensure that perpetrators are brought to book and the right thing is done.
While the congressman said the governor needs to take responsibility for New York's bloated budget, Cuomo said his entire tenure has been devoted to reducing spending.
Not just the MTA all transit athorities and their bloated budgets.
In addition to rumors of a bloated budget and unrest on the set between director Mark Forster and star Brad Pitt, the film's original release date was pushed back six months to accommodate major rewrites and additional shooting.
Bloated budget!
Despite its blockbuster ticket sales in excess of $ 100 million dollars, the film received flak for a bloated budget that constituted financial failure.
Of course, this could just be the trailer, after all with such a bloated budget they need a captivating hook, but it is looking like the Jurassic World franchise is heading down the same sad road that swallowed the Transformers franchise in a morass of overexposure and diminshing returns.
Takashi Miike, Richard Raaphoorst and William Lustig also line up to speak about the various obstacles thrown in their way, both juicy and bureaucratic, from scandal - plagued executives to bloated budgets.
In 1992 writer / director Robert Rodriguez was a 23 - year - old kid who seemed to come out of nowhere with this huge, inventive, enormously entertaining action flick that, made for $ 7000 and filmed in under two weeks, rivaled the thrills and explosions of any bloated budget Hollywood picture.
The bloated budget reflects the bloated runtime.
The opening scene of Kingsman: The Golden Circle is so bad, it becomes obvious the bloated budget wasn't spent on visual effects, rather big marquee names.
Earlier this year, Andrew Stanton «s first live - action effort made its leap onto the big screen but was quickly overshadowed by unsubstantiated rumors of a bloated budget and unplanned reshoots.
Billed as a low budget film by tentpole director Michael Bay (the movie is estimated to have only cost $ 25 million to make), Pain & Gain still looks like a bloated budget Hollywood picture.
Though it'll be interesting to see whether the behind the scenes problems (including a bloated budget and reported head butting between Forster and star Brad Pitt) have bled onto the film, if the finished product is any bit as good as the source material promises, Paramount will surely view it as a small victory regardless of its box office performance.
It seems many school districts employ more teachers than even their bloated budgets will support.
Many experts have questioned if more money is the answer to what they say is an already - bloated budget.
Fortunately, shopping for Pharr insurance quotes does not need to result in a bloated budget.
It's not yet entirely clear how exactly the ELA will be kept open, but I'm pretty sure that $ 2 million can be found somewhere in the province's bloated budget.
Fortunately, shopping for Pharr insurance quotes does not need to result in a bloated budget.
If you bloat the budget by a good percentage — we don't always do this well, but I like the 20 % range — we know that we can accommodate problems.
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