Sentences with phrase «block capacity»

The price of bitcoin broke past $ 450 this week, as markets rallied in response to perceived progress surrounding the network's block capacity dilemma.
As one of five white middle class women earnestly envisioning an «inclusive and diverse» yoga community, I may have been complicit in blocking any capacity for «diverse» groups to feel included.
First designed for use on the bitcoin blockchain, SegWit would nonetheless increase litecoin's block capacity by altering how transaction date is stored by the network.
The critical apparatus actually blocked their capacity to use the Bible for theology, pastoral care and prayer.
The church's acceptance of prevailing American assumptions about justice blocks its capacity to discern and live out the distinctively Christian contours of justice.
Is just one person blocking our capacity Arsene Wenger Sack him.
Yes, bisoprolol does indeed block your capacity to lose weight.
As upgrading to SegWit addresses helps to provide more block capacity for every user, it's definitely recommended to upgrade.
Namely, the increase comes as the network nears the key 75 % support level needed to activate Segregated Witness, a scaling solution that will boost block capacity.
If the bitcoin community adopts SegWit, it should significantly increase block capacity, providing a stopgap solution, observers say, to what could be a continued issue for the network should it want to accommodate more users without additional top - level networks.
When the usage of Litecoin block capacity is over 50 %, we will start to prepare for a solution to increase the 1 MB block size limit through a hardfork or softfork.
The newly created sub-chain will have its consensus method, data storage and block capacity available for free customization.»
Engine Type: Twin - turbocharged V8 Installation: Front, longitudinal, rear - wheel drive Construction: Alloy heads and block Capacity: 6750cc Power: 512PS / 505bhp / 377kW at 4200 rev / min Torque: 1020Nm / 752 lb ft at 1750 rev / min
Even though this would have hugely helped with Bitcoins scalability issues by doubling the block capacity on the new chain, the project was unceremoniously cancelled in November, citing «lack of consensus» as the main reason.
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