Sentences with phrase «block structure»

Since then, interpretations of these concrete block structures have been created in various locations around the world.
Along with creating rolling cars, spinning tops, and wooden block structures, kids can also make a colorful balance boat.
But if given enough time, the block will flatten out until there is no sign left of the original block structure.
Directions: Find the top view for each of the toy blocks structures.
In this tier, literacy programs and resources, assessments, literacy block structure, and instructional methods are identified along with student performance goals, best practices, and universal strategies.
The new program is inaugurated with two outdoor concrete block structures by Sol LeWitt.
The property is an older multi-family built in the 1950s, concrete block structure with a flat roof.
The original cinder - block structure consisted of five rooms totaling just 858 square feet; an addition was put on the back later.
We simulate the data with multivariate normal distributions, with two different block structured covariance matrices, which only have covariance for the marker genes in the corresponding cell type.
During the first three weeks of Build block structure, you will perform exercises that increase weight while reducing repetitions, which will strengthen your muscles and you will become accustomed to the intense workouts that are to come.
Try it on with a cute necklace, black sunnies, color - blocking structured bag and classic black leather ankle - strap heeled sandals:
A profoundly asymmetrical T - shaped white cinder - block structure in the middle of ProjecteSD
A full - scale replica of this concrete - block structure anchored «I Work From Home,» Grabner's midcareer retrospective: She selected four artists — Michael Smith, Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Amanda Ross - Ho, and Karl Haendel — to display work therein, effectively creating a rotation of shows within the show.
Kimberley has also worked in conventional and sustainable design firms in New York City, Toronto and India, on projects ranging from residential high - rises, storm - resistant homes to compressed earth block structures.
Authors Yonatan Sompolinsky and Dr. Aviv Zohar outlined the new protocol in a paper published this week, building on SPECTRE, which deviates from bitcoin's common block structure with more scalable «directed acyclic graphs of blocks» (blockDAGs).
The $ 18m contributed to ethereum, is primarily tied to one instance of the ethereum network (ETH)- which had a specific genesis block structure and was backed by the non-profit Ethereum Foundation.
From massive white concrete block structures to more demure dark wooden gates and dated Italian stucco structures, a resort's entry gate says a lot about what one will find inside the walls.
Like «Colbert» and «The Daily Show,» it has a traditional three - block structure, with a block for current events, a block for field pieces, and a block for a celebrity, scholarly, or political guest.
Shalom has traditionally run a blocked structure, with seven blocks of five periods each.
LeWitt's construction serves as the focal point of an exhibition aptly titled «Sol LeWitt: Concrete Block Structure,» which also features his Wall Drawing 664 (1990).
An important late series by LeWitt, the «Concrete Block Structures» see the artist experimenting with brutalist materials and expanding his collaborative method by working with engineers and architects in various localities.
It is a gallery - wide installation that consists of two concrete block structures that present architectural interventions undertaken by Rasgado in the last year, and a group of photographic images.
For example, young children could help rebuild a knocked over block structure or replace a torn paper or crayons with new ones.
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