Sentences with phrase «blog version»

I think these are the best buns I've made so far I've been working on the loaf version and will be posting some tips on how to achieve the best results - hopefully in 2 - 3 weeks it should be on the blog
Read Alex Wilson's shorter blog version here He has removed the pay wall from BuildingGreen's extended version entitled Passive House Arrives in North America: Could It Revolutionize the Way We Build?
I took the CNN Belief blog version of the test.
Read the whole paper (you can start here for the serialized blog version) for my detailed look at all those studies.
If you would like to comment on this article, please go to the Food for Thought blog version.
I'm pleased to announce the creation of the deClawedbies — the Canadian law blog version of the «igNobles» — to be awarded annually on April 1 before noon (PST *).
We post the blog version of each episode to our social channels on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Plus.
The blog version of this week's edition of THE SOCIAL SCOOP weekly newsletter follows below!
Think of this newsjacking format as the blog version of a quick - hitting op - ed — you may not have had the time to research and present all angles and perspectives, but you provide a clear point of view on a newsworthy event.
Hi Rach, so sorry for the confusion, the blog version is the most updated so it's best to follow this and we will get the app timings updated as soon as possible.
The blog is able to be updated much more quickly than a printed book, so always go with the blog version if it is truly the same recipe.
OK, so this is kind of a half - baked outfit, but I'm 22 days into this never - ending challenge, and I'm trying my damnedest to not turn this into the blog version of Valium.
At last count, it was read by more than five million people and if you add the number of people who have read the blog version, maybe double that.
The linked story contains most of the details but I'll try to impart the readers digest version (or perhaps we should change that axiom to «the blog version») here.
So like cash - strapped wildlife biologists, we're embarking on the blog version of a catch - and - release program where we track down these enviable beasts and try to figure out how they think.
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