Sentences with phrase «blogging about her personal experiences»

-LSB-...] This guy blogged about his personal experience training fasted with and without BCAAs.
I will be blogging about my personal experiences on my low - carb journey to losing 100 pounds.

Not exact matches

Whether you are Jamie Oliver trying to show support for breastfeeding and rightly recognising a genuine problem — that women who want to breastfeed in this country often face barriers that mean they can't — or a new mother just blogging or tweeting about her personal experiences, speaking out puts you in the direct path of the opinion juggernaut which careers headlong into anyone who dares to take a stand on either side of the polarised infant feeding debate.
Everything I have learned about blogging is from other bloggers, searching the web, and personal experience.
There is everything in here about her from her personal experience, the tools she uses, recommendations to other authors, social media marketing, blogging, professional speaking, and metadata for your books.
Her personal, one - year - long experiment is going to have some academic weight to it as well: she is currently blogging about her experiences as a «train - nomad» on There You Are, and will write a thesis paper on it as well.
WordPress, blogging platforms and personal website — You can use any of these to your advantage e.g. writing about your expertise, experience or interests.
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