Sentences with phrase «blood after ingestion»

The amino acids from whey appear quickly in the blood after ingestion, releasing nearly all at once.

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A last fact for the nutrition nerds: taro affects blood sugar levels much more gradually and gently after ingestion than potatoes, also.
After ingestion of 200 mg, blood flow in the placenta was found to be reduced by 25 percent.
One of the most important outcomes was the reduction in the bugs» mortality after ingestion of blood, which dropped from 40 % to about 20 %.
Researchers measured the women's blood sugar prior to, an hour after and two hours after ingestion.
Propylene glycol absorbs very quickly in the small intestine with peak levels detected in the blood about an hour after ingestion.
BHB raises blood ketone levels after ingestion, providing the body with extra energy in a similar (but not the same) way endogenous ketones do (see sections below for more info).
In the stomach, casein forms a mass that is digested relatively slowly, and while slowly digesting, the amino acids are released over time and appear in the blood for many hours after ingestion.
The silver concentration of nanoparticles in the blood serum will continue to increase for about 3 to 4 hours after ingestion and then start to taper off in accordance with the graph (Fig. 1).
Responsible for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels after the ingestion of carbohydrates.
Insulin: Responsible for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels after the ingestion of carbohydrates.
Dr. Agatston spends much time explaining the glycemic index, a measure of how rapid and high a spike in blood sugar is seen after ingestion of particular foods.
Isomalt only slightly raises blood glucose and insulin levels after ingestion and does not trigger reactive hypoglycemia after the meals [2 - p. 184].
it's unfortunate that all of the rats used in the quoted study were killed as part of the experiment: «At different 175 time intervals 176 between 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 6 and 24 h after ingestion, the animal was euthanized with 177 Nembutal ® (100 mg / kg body weight of the animal) and 5 ml of blood specimens 178 were collected.»
The main objects of the experiments were to learn whether detectable ketosis exists among Eskimos under natural dietary conditions; the extent to which ketosis develops in fasting and the rate at which it disappears on glucose ingestion; the «carbohydrate tolerance» as indicated by blood sugar curves; and to determine the respiratory metabolism during and after a ketosis - producing fast.
There have been postmarketing reports of patients who experienced significantly elevated blood pressure (including rare cases of hypertensive crisis) after ingestion of unknown amounts of tyramine - rich foods while taking recommended doses of AZILECT. no citation given unfortunately,, stated at No. 4 is that the blood of people given natural Vitamin C molecule in the form of orange juice showed significant antioxidant activity 4 hours after ingestion, but the people given AA showed no antioxidant activity 4 hours after ingestion.
Blood levels are deceptive because toxic metals are stored in the body soon after ingestion.
The complete release of amino acids into your blood stream mostly lasts for 7 hours after ingestion of casein protein.
Hair tissue mineral analysis can show the accumulation of heavy metals long after ingestion, whereas a blood test can show they aren't present in the body.
Blood glucose and insulin were measured before ingestion, and at 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 h after ingestion.
Postprandial increases in both blood glucose and blood insulin were significantly inhibited in subjects in the borderline group who took the test food in comparison with the placebo group (blood glucose: p < 0.05 and p < 0.01 at 1 and 1.5 h after ingestion respectively; insulin: p < 0.05, p < 0.01 and p < 0.05 at 1, 1.5, and 2 h after ingestion respectively).
Peripheral venous blood samples were obtained before ingestion of each meal and every 20 min for 2 — 3 h after meal consumption.
Within 10 to 15 minutes after ingestion a dog's blood sugar will drop dangerously.
Changes in blood tests for the kidneys (BUN, creatinine, and phosphorus) can be seen as early as 12 hours after ingestion.
While low blood sugar can occur very quickly — as soon as 30 minutes after ingestion — it can take up to 12 hours for symptoms to appear after ingestion.
'' Hematemesis, which is commonly referred to as a dog vomiting blood is either caused by something temporary such as the ingestion of an object your dog ate after being outside, causes such as dietary intolerance, or something systemically wrong such as with the digestive tract (GI), liver or kidneys.
Peas: Peas, members of the legume family, are an excellent source of energy and protein that have a low glycemic index and do not cause blood glucose (sugar) levels to spike right after ingestion.
Increased BUN, creatinine and potassium levels in the blood will be seen 18 — 24 hours after ingestion.
Checking liver enzymes and blood clotting tests two to three days after ingestion is recommended as well.
Xylitol causes an increase in insulin levels, which in turn drops blood glucose to potentially life - threatening levels in as short as 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion.
You and the vet should monitor her for reactions for upwards of 72 hours after the incident and, depending on her ingestion and her reaction to treatment, there may be more medications necessary to protect her heart and blood pressure.
Delayed onset vomiting (1 - 4 days after fatty meal ingestion), abdominal pain, diarrhea (+ / - blood), reduced appetite and lethargy.
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