Sentences with phrase «blood of one's hosts»

Ticks feed on blood of their hosts since they are parasitic.
Pubic lice — also known as crabs — can leave irritating spots on the skin when they feed on the blood of their hosts.
The hope is that this iterative process will eventually winnow down those specific immune cells that are present in the blood of hosts during either latent or active infections.
Ticks are skin parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts.
TICKS: Ticks are skin parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts.
Adult fleas feed on the blood of their hosts, so heavy flea infestations can even lead to anaemia from blood loss, which can be fatal.
Fleas are insects that do not have wings and survive by feeding on the blood of their hosts.
Like little vampires, they survive by drinking the blood of their hosts.
As opposed to roundworms, which feed off of free nutrients in the cat's intestine, feline hookworms feed off the blood of the host cat.
Ticks are equally as ancient as fleas, and also dine on the blood of their hosts.
Chewing lice consume the skin, fur, or feathers of their host, as opposed to sucking lice, which feed off the blood of their host.
Fleas live off the blood of their host — whether that's your dog, your cat or a wild animal.
Fleas: Fleas feed on the blood of their host and can cause anemia.
Adult fleas feed exclusively on the blood of the host animal.
Ticks feed on the blood of the host, and use tiny but sharp teeth to embed themselves firmly into a dog's skin and tissue.
Hookworms are named for the hook - like mouth parts with which they attach to the lining of the intestine and use to feed on the blood of the host.
Fleas are a parasitic insect that survive on the blood of their host.
Ticks are parasites that attach themselves to an animal (or human) and feed on the blood of their host.
Fleas are parasites by definition as they feast on the blood of a host animal — mainly dogs, cats and even humans.
Fleas and ticks are skin parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts.
Ticks, like fleas, are external parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts.
With nearly 2,000 species and subspecies, fleas thrive in warm, humid environments, and feed on the blood of their hosts.
They also attach to the intestinal wall and feed on the blood of their host.
Fleas are wingless insects with mouthparts adapted for piercing skin and sucking the blood of their hosts.
They live off the blood of their host.
Fleas are external, wingless parasites that live off the blood of their host - mammals and birds.
The fleas found on dogs (Ctenocephalides canis) and cats (C. felis) are ectoparasites, which live off the blood of their host animal.
Fleas are parasites that feed off the blood of their hosts in order to stay alive, and a female flea, usually larger than the male, can consume up to 15 times its own body weight in blood.
Ticks feed on the blood of the host, and use tiny but sharp teeth to embed themselves firmly into the skin and soft tissue of cats.
Fleas are a parasite, which means they bite and drink the blood of their hosts.
Ticks are parasites that feed on the blood of host mammals.
Fleas sustain themselves by feeding on the blood of their hosts, which leads to itchy and sometimes painful skin irritation.
When an infected tick bites, the bacterium is transferred to the blood of the host.
The resulting health issues with your pet are the skin irritations, skin infections, anemia (since they feed on the blood of the host) and intestinal tapeworms of various types.
Ticks are very small and live off of the blood of the host animal so being aware of their presence is the best way to prevent infection.
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