Sentences with phrase «blood of young mice»

The GDF11 protein commonly found in the blood of young mice (the same protein that enhanced neurogenesis in aged mice) and placed in individual older mice was thought to have the same reversal effect on hypertrophy; however, more recent research suggests another molecule besides GDF11 may be at work.
Meanwhile, a protein commonly found in the blood of young mice (and humans) may hold the key to rejuvenating brain cells.
In 2012, researchers reversed some of the effects of cognitive decline by pumping the blood of young mice into old mice.
The Science studies linked those mental and health benefits to one particular ingredient found in the blood of young mice.
Using a technique called parabiosis, in which the vascular systems of two mice are surgically connected, Villeda's lab had previously discovered that infusing old mice with the blood of younger mice leads to brain rejuvenation, including improvements in learning and memory, while infusions of old blood cause premature brain aging in young mice.
«Something — or some things — in the blood of young mice has the ability to restore mental capabilities in old mice, a new study by Stanford University School of Medicine investigators has found.
Using a surgical technique, the researchers introduced an experimental demyelinating injury in the spinal cord of an old mouse, creating small areas of myelin loss, and then exposed those areas to cells found the blood of a young mouse.
Scientists were able to identify the influence caused by factors unique to the blood of young mice, which could ultimately be used as treatments for age - related neurodegenerative disorders.
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