Sentences with phrase «blood pressure drugs»

The term "blood pressure drugs" refers to medications that are used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Full definition
She did stress, though, that in the case of high blood pressure drugs, it's the underlying condition that threatens a healthy pregnancy.
Patients were taking two different types of blood pressure drug on average, although some were taking as many as six.
Babies exposed in the first trimester of their mother's pregnancy to blood pressure drugs called ACE inhibitors are at an increased risk of birth defects, according to a new study.
The records reveal that the mothers of another 202 babies had taken other blood pressure drugs during the first trimester and the rest of the infants had no exposure to blood pressure medicines.
Now, a mouse study reveals that a popular blood pressure drug can reduce the stress of being born — and curb symptoms of autism.
Nearly all subjects took high blood pressure drugs yet still experienced a decrease in blood pressure.
«More research should be done on using blood pressure drugs for people with prehypertension.»
Blood pressure drugs known as thiazide diuretics, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers and beta blockers all cut death risk by 3 to 4 percent, while thiazide diuretics also cut stroke risk.
In 2006, Dietz reported in Science that giving these mice an old blood pressure drug, losartan, which blocks TGF - β, prevented aneurysms.
«Blood pressure drug protects against symptoms of multiple sclerosis in animal models.»
«Certain high blood pressure drugs block cancer invasion.»
A new study reveals that certain blood pressure drugs are linked with a high risk of pancreatic cancer among postmenopausal women.
Seventeen of them received losartan, and the 18th got a closely related blood pressure drug, irbesartan; they were on the medication for 1 to 3 years.
«One blood pressure drug therapy associated with lower health - care costs.»
In a report on the work, published online in the journal Circulation on Nov. 30, the team says a large class of common blood pressure drugs that target the angiotensin receptor, called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), may help patients depending on the levels of the autoantibodies.
Inpatient costs for health services related to blood pressure or cardiovascular issues averaged $ 1,731 for patients on fixed - dose combination, compared with $ 2,985 for patients on decreasing doses of their medication, $ 7,076 for patients who switched to a new blood pressure drug and $ 7,692 for patients on increasing doses.
«Topical gel made from oral blood pressure drugs shown effective in healing chronic wounds.»
Related finding that emerged from the Grady Trauma Project: Blood pressure drugs linked with lower PTSD symptoms
Prescription blood pressure drugs block an enzyme called ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme), and research has shown that eggplant inhibits ACE activity.
Blood pressure drugs such as ACE - inhibitors / ARBs (lisinopril, losartan, or Diovan for example) and diuretics such as furosemide and HCTZ deplete magnesium through your kidneys.
Now, a new National Institutes of Health - funded study combining these two nutritional supplements suggests using both can have a significant impact on cardiovascular risk without the side effects associated with many blood pressure drugs.
Dr Mattarollo said the lab was hoping to combine immunotherapy treatments with commonly used blood pressure drugs that block the effects of stress hormones.
New research published in the March 2016 issue of The FASEB Journal, shows that a commonly prescribed class of high blood pressure drugs may have the potential to slow the growth of triple negative breast cancer tumors.
Two years ago, doctors suspected that an old blood pressure drug might help people with Marfan syndrome, which can cause deadly ruptures of the aorta; and today, they report success in a small group of children.
The records showed that 7.1 percent of the children exposed to ACE inhibitors had congenital defects — mainly of the heart and central nervous system — compared with only 1.7 percent of the babies exposed to other blood pressure drugs and 2.6 percent of those not exposed, researchers repor
These improvements, he said, resulted in a greater reduction in net use of blood pressure drugs and lipid - lowering medications in the liraglutide 3 mg group than in the placebo group.
Goji berries may also interact with diabetes drugs and blood pressure drugs, so talk with your doctor first.
Note: Goji Berries may interact with some medications, such as blood - thinners, diabetes, and / or blood pressure drugs.
«Blood pressure drug may boost effectiveness of lung cancer treatment.»
A blood pressure drug may make a type of lung cancer treatment more effective, suggests a new study.
Story 2 is true, the blood pressure drugs known as angiotensin receptor blockers appear to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and other dementias, according to the British Medical Journal.
Story 2, some blood pressure drugs seem to offer protection against Alzheimer's.
The blood pressure drug losartan, which is sold under the brand name Cozaar, may help prevent a fatal complication of Marfan syndrome.
Just as we have made progress against heart disease with statins and blood pressure drugs, we will find medications that can safely and substantially lower weight.»
Many of the people with the delayed condition that did not develop the full condition were taking medications that may have affected their blood pressure, such as diuretics, antidepressants and high blood pressure drugs.
«We recommend people with intolerance to three or more high blood pressure drugs, who are struggling to control their blood pressure, be referred to our centre at Barts Health NHS Trust.
«Some high blood pressure drugs may be associated with increased risk of vision - threatening disease.»
Numerous medications, including some antihistamines and blood pressure drugs, have been linked to an increased risk of arrhythmias, he says, and people carrying the variant may be more likely to experience that side effect.
And when a blood pressure drug called sildenafil was discovered to have an unexpected side effect, it went on to become the erectile dysfunction blockbuster now known as Viagra.
The strongest risk factors were using blood pressure drugs or having antibodies called lupus anticoagulants, which can cause blood clots.
Often dry eye is a side effect of medication, everything from allergy meds to painkillers to blood pressure drugs.
Compared to blood pressure drugs, a vegetarian diet was found to be about 50 percent as effective for lowering blood pressure.
Most prescribed for kids» sleep troubles were antihistamines, blood pressure drugs, benzodiazepines such as the sleeping pill Restoril, antidepressants, and sleeping pills like Ambien and Sonata.
Grapefruit may also be contraindicated with medications such as antihistamines, blood pressure drugs, thyroid replacement drugs, birth control, stomach acid - blocking drugs, and the cough suppressant dextromethorphan.
Apparently they could teach us a thing or two about cholesterol management, as they never take cholesterol lowering drugs or high blood pressure drugs.
Free Video Reveals Proof That High Blood Pressure Drugs Are Very Dangerous, Don't Really Work... And The Natural Method That Does!
-- Certain medications (such as ibuprofen, naproxen, blood pressure drugs, insulin, steroids, etc.) may cause oedema through leading to dehydration or renal dysfunction.

Phrases with «blood pressure drugs»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z