Sentences with phrase «blood pressure spikes»

It can also cause blood pressure spikes in people who don't drink coffee too frequently.
It makes them more elastic, so they can stretch (and not break) in response to high blood pressure spikes.
I made it to 41 weeks, completely uncomplicated and low risk, but had a few scary blood pressure spikes at the end and I agreed to be induced for this reason.
One oft - cited 1987 study published in the Journal of Chronic Diseases reported that the number of people who experience drops in blood pressure after eating high - salt diets almost equals the number who experience blood pressure spikes; many stay exactly the same.
Although short - term blood pressure spikes are not usually cause for concern, «sustained elevations in blood pressure throughout the working day are likely to degrade the cardiovascular system.»
One can only imagine the assemblyman's blood pressure spiking at that, lickspittle being one of those disgusting out - of - use words that means exactly how it sounds.
Letting the Rogue do all the work was the first time I've approached the bridge without feeling my blood pressure spike.
The second I approach the slowdown, I feel my blood pressure spike.
Or maybe I can't die — even with my blood pressure spiking.
I was a planned homebirth in 2010 in Oregon but when my blood pressure spiked (untreated pre-e, thanks midwife for ignoring that) I got the c - section.
After 32 weeks of a perfectly healthy pregnancy, her blood pressure spiked, which caused a placental abruption.
I had pre-eclampsia but it wasn't caught until my NST showed no movement and my blood pressure spiked.
This increased pressure can slow circulation, making it harder for your organs to get the blood they need and in some cases leading to blood pressure spikes.
While computers did and still do foster pain and heartbreak (in the personal computer section, my blood pressure spiked as I glared at the double - floppy - disk - drive IBM PC that ate my files at random intervals in the late 1980s), the ingenuity behind them is inspiring.
Y ’ all want to know the fastest way to get an epubbed author's blood pressure spiking?
For the past several weeks, my life has been a storm of hassles culminating in a blood pressure spike from «low» to «high.»
The black Lab - mix dog shakes and shivers, her heart rate jumps, her blood pressure spikes, her temperature rises, her eyes dilate and she cowers under anything she can get beneath.
White Coat syndrome happens when someone gets anxious over seeing a nurse or doctor in a white coat and their blood pressure spikes.
This can be helpful if an applicant has «white coat syndrome» and their blood pressure spikes due to stress during the insurance paramedical exam.
In your heart of heart, with every blood pressure spike occurring when other drivers fail to signal, you know the importance and courtesy of a timely signal.
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