Sentences with phrase «blood shed»

In the same way, I can tell myself that the unborn child whose blood I shed was not human, or that it was not alive.
Volume 12 takes a much lighter tone than the previous two volumes, with way less blood shed, although we still get some fighting action.
There has been more blood shed in the name of religion, not to mention the hatred that continues today for gay's and lesbians who did nothing more than be born into this world as they are.
Very appropriately Luke (13:34 - 35) connects this with Jesus lament over Jerusalem, which Matthew (23:37 - 39), also appropriately, reports as spoken in the temple after the saying about «all the righteous blood shed on earth.»
When it doesn't, enzymes in the body break down and liquefy that superficial lining, which becomes the menstrual blood shed during the menses.
«For the sake of no more blood shed, people of all faiths and religious beliefs, including Muslims, would be most wise to acknowledge that what Jehovah God has ordained in His... etc»
Because Jesus is perfect, His one time death, perfect blood shed not only eliminates sin from the believer completely, but also ended forever the ritual of sacrifices.
When the dust settles for our friends and they successfully, blood shed aside, achieve their goal, there is only one thing left for them to do as per every Toriko arc: have a huge feast!
The rule «don't take other people's nests» encourages nest building, minimizes blood shed, and is found in many species.
By virtue of this Sacrifice the infinite merits of Christ, gained by His Precious Blood shed once upon the Cross for the salvation of men, are applied to our souls.»
Look at all the wars and blood shed throughout the years.
Policy accommodation with Labour would be more straightforward — the policy overlap is significant — but the bad blood shed over the last five years, combined with Labour's fiercely tribal animosity, could yet stymie any regeneration of the Lib / Lab pact.
Professor Alao who also said that Nigeria's recession crisis was due to negligence on the part of the leaders, said that it was because Nigeria got her independence on a platter of gold without blood shed and do not value the independence, thereby doing whatever they like with impunity.
He pointed out that apart from the legal indivisibility of the country, too many Nigerians have paid for the continued unity of the country with their lives, and so much blood shed to preserve the unity of the country.
There's far less risk of blood shed involved than dishes that involve a shucking knife, and if you're lucky, you can find a man with a slow cooker to take the sweat and tears off your plate too.
Period symptoms including blood shed, cramp types and amount, and hormonal effects can vary person to person.
Instead of in your face sight gags and gratuitous blood shed, Sinister plays more against the audience's imagination with glimpses of macabre.
The problem with the dear Reformed brethren (and sisters) is that they can speak much and wax poetically about the majesty of God, the drepravity of man and the gospel, as a Topic (filling many libraries), but don't actually give you the good news: you, yes, you, my body and blood shed for You.
If you are say that because the UN and the UK along with the US took land from one people and gave it to another (which is responsible for the last 60 years of blood shed in that region) was a good thing and thereby the Holocaust is justified you should read more and question your own moral guide.
The saying about the righteous blood shed on earth is quoted by Luke (11:49) as spoken by «the Wisdom of God.»
For the sake of no more blood shed, people of all faiths and religious beliefs, including Muslims, would be most wise to acknowledge that what Jehovah God has ordained in His «times and seasons» (get down to the truth), has and will, contnue to happen.
Jesus evidently meant to make his disciples sharers, there and then, in the new relationship with God that his own body broken and his own blood shed would establish for men.
«To be blind to this issue, given the number of tragedies and the amount of blood shed, I think would be a dereliction of your public service responsibility,» Cuomo said.
80:6 - 13).6 The prediction of God's punishment of Israel by warfare is quite clear in the saying that upon this generation will come «all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah son of Barachiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar» (Matt.
Because of the blood shed False Religion has cause in the name of God.
Are oppressed people ever going to be able to affirm judgment like Isaiah did when he declared: «For behold, the Lord is coming forth out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity and the earth will disclose the blood shed upon her, and will no more cover her slain» (26:21)?
Having just been in Thailand last summer before the riots and blood shed I can so relate to what you're witnessing in Haiti.
I could only proclaim the great mystery — that Christ had done right by them, his body broken for them, his blood shed for them.
Pride is the voice that tells us that what has been done is too great of a sin to be covered by God's grace, as though our sins were more powerful than the blood He shed.
He said that the bread represented His body broken for them and the wine represented His blood shed for them.
Most of all I would miss kneeling at the rail with my brothers and sisters and receiving God's body and blood shed for our sins, mine and those next to me.
Part of the meal would probably include reminding people of the symbolism in the bread and wine that they were drinking, that through the broken body of Jesus and His blood shed for us, we have unity with one another as the Body of Christ and forgiveness of sins through His shed blood.
Blood shedding is a pagan belief.
This reminds of a later time when another King of Jerusalem, who is also a High Priest, brings bread and wine to his disciples and tells them that it represents His body broken and His blood shed for them (1 Cor.
Due to the number of difficult questions surrounding the death of Jesus and His blood shed for us, it might simply be best to accept that the death of Jesus did something to help restore our relationship with God, even if we can not understand what it was.
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