Sentences with phrase «blood spurt»

Powered by what its developers touted as a «Ghoul Engine,» the game let you watch brains ooze from a dead man's skull, blood spurt from dismembered bodies, or bodies transform into bloody masses of unrecognizable pulp after being shot again and again.
Watching blood spurt all over a room instantly makes anything that was laughable, forgettable.
VIOLENCE / GORE 5 - Several armed guards are shot as a car and jeeps with military personnel speed toward an airport terminal (we see blood spurt); other guards on a rooftop and tower are also shot (no blood is shown).
And when you shoot someone 2 times, they're alright, but then you shoo them 3 times, and all of a sudden they get covered in blood all over their body and a huge blood spurt will come out.
Several men on horseback threaten another group of people and gunfire is exchanged (we see blood spurt from wounds and men fall off their horses); a woman and a teen girl are shot and a man hobbles away from the scene but is caught by another man and killed with a knife (we hear the blow and see the attacker covered with blood afterwards).
I looked in the trench and saw how the bodies twitched; blood spurted from the necks.
At one cozy Halloween party back in college at Murfreesboro, Tenn., Oldfield remembers being attacked from behind by an ex-marine who battered him about the head with a pistol, connecting on all surfaces — the back, the front, the temples — as blood spurted every which way.
The horn penetrated deep into Manolete's right thigh, blood spurted like a pump, gushed.
Blood spurted all over.
About a dozen people were circled around them watching with expressions of horror as blood spurted from multiple stab wounds, including her head and face.
Tlaltecuhtli, the largest Mexica icon ever discovered, has claws, blood spurting from her mouth and skulls for knees.
VIOLENCE / GORE 7 - Native Americans ride on horseback toward a house where a man arms himself and a woman with three children runs away; the man opens fire on the riders and they shoot back hitting him in the leg (blood spurts), then shooting him in the back with an arrow and one rider scalps him (we see the knife crossing the flesh and blood pours); the woman runs with the children and one young girl is shot (blood spurts), the other young girl is shot (blood splatters) and the infant in the woman's arms is shot (blood splatters).
A man on horseback is shot in the shoulder (blood spurts) and he falls to the ground yelling; he is shot again and killed.
Men fight with swords, men are hit by speeding chariots with blades protruding from the wheels (blood sprays and we hear them scream), horses are impaled (blood sprays), men run into spears (we see the point run them through, creating a bloody wound), men are stabbed in the throat (blood spurts), and men are stabbed in the head (blood sprays).
He jams needles into his veins, blood spurting for dramatic effect.
As a plus Pathfinder's sporadic action sequences are spectacularly violent - limbs and heads fly and blood spurts arc gracefully through the air in slow motion as the mighty Vikings bring their axes and swords down upon hapless natives, but when the characters aren't scuffling you'll begin to wonder what happened to the plot, or what's going on inside the characters» heads.
Blood spurts out of a statue's mouth and into some water, staining the water and a man's face red.
VIOLENCE / GORE 9 - An army in a jungle awaits an approaching army, we hear thundering and we see elephants charge the men; many men are hit with spears and arrows (we see blood spurting, spraying and hear men screaming), men are speared by elephants» tusks (blood on tusks and the wound), men are crushed under elephants» feet (we hear crunches), and the trunk of an elephant is hacked off.
«Last season's Dexter finale left behind a number of unanswered questions, like so many cranial blood spurts waiting to be interpreted.»
Wall paintings depict violent stories from Greek mythology, such as the story of Prometheus: a large bird pecks out a man's liver (there's blood on the beak and the man's abdomen), a man plucks out his eyes (we see blood spurting), a woman slaughters her two children, and a man kills his three children.
Danny [Aykroyd] wanted to do it and we did it in dress and it worked really well except that the blood spurting wasn't working as well as we wanted it to.
The animations and squelchy sounds for the blood spurting and the parts flying keeps the maiming fresh and visually interesting.
Its theatrical cuts aren't strong enough to enthrall viewers, so it must provide the action genre version of an unrated sex comedy, in which the action itself is often seconds - different to the theatrical cut — this one just dangles images of corpses, and maybe a few CGI blood spurts.
Another character shoots himself behind an obscure glass window, with blood spurting onto the glass.
A boxing match is depicted and a man being punched is shown with blood spurting from his mouth.
Take the Joker, who treats a stunningly staged bank robbery like his private video game with accomplices in Joker masks, blood spurting and only one winner.
The blood spurting from Denise's left thigh looked like a fountain to Diane, who also was covered in blood.
Rick could grab his opponents and perform grisly fatalities, ripping off heads and arms with blood spurting everywhere.
It's in this soft - core realm that the movie smashes into walls of physical and psychological disturbance that offer the audience graphic sexual consolation for a barrage of blood spurting and splattering that goes on.
A few of these incidents are explicit with blood spurting from punched faces and oozing from gunshot wounds.
According to the spoiler - rific ESRB description, the open world detective story's «shootouts... highlighted by realistic gunfire, cries of pain, and blood spurts that stain injured characters and the surrounding environment,» would have been more than enough to garner the M rating, to say nothing of the crowbar beatings, morphine injections, and pedobear hookups.
There has been an obvious increase in blood splatter and particle effects this time around — when you slice the Titans neck, blood spurts all over the place which results in all near - by buildings getting covered and even your character is red for a while.
It's not overly dramatic, and the 3D is restricted to the backgrounds and some of the elements that pop; blood spurts, or a deflected Kung Lao hat throw do have that pop effect.
I am a big fan of twin stick shooters, and one of my favorites is Crimsonland, for its trademark bullet spraying, blood spurting intensity.
Pile enough of this effect onto a target and he'll shoot out silly red blood spurts, which means local zombies will swarm him.
In fact you aren't just playing as a chicken in Headless but as a chicken with its head cut off and blood spurting out of it.
A leaf punctures a fig to give it a tongue, a fountain of blood spurts from a splitting fruit to release its painful climax; these are a few of the scenes from recent paintings that achieve this slow, tense read.

Not exact matches

Then, as the blows continue, they cut deeper into the subcutaneous tissue, producing first an oozing of blood from the capillaries and veins of the skin, and finally spurting arterial bleeding from vessels in the underlying muscles.
«The cobblestone sidewalk of Pope Pius X Plaza, the site of the killings, was covered with blood, rags, cardboard, blankets, and stray shoes,» Ms. Mann spurts.
Someone put in an IV, and blood from my arm spurted and spiraled into the air as they tried to catch it for tests.
As you enter your 16th week, your blood volume has increased, you may have a pregnancy glow, and your baby is getting ready for a growth spurt.
Check the wacky details — the blood that spurts when you're harpooned, the WW2 - style Rising Sun on the ships, and the little mushroom - head sailors (are they wearing hats???) who bounce and flail (and drown?)
The study authors write that placental arteries are dynamic during pregnancy, remodeling themselves to accommodate increased blood flow as fetuses undergo explosive growth spurts in later stages of pregnancy.
Fargeat cuts to the gas pedal, showing how every time he stomps on it, his foot spurts a gob of blood.
But she tries to go through with it nonetheless — she puts on the costume, the dark contact lenses, and the wig; she's outfitted with the blood - spurt rig, the tube that snakes up through her dress to the back of her head.
We see a man hit in the crotch with an ax (blood pours), and many other men are slashed and stabbed (blood sprays and spurts).
A man is shot with a spurt of blood.
The violence in the movie is shown with jarring intensity, as we see on - screen acts of killing, sometimes with some spurts of blood.
In particular, the brief spurt of blood that erupts from slain soldiers, but you'll also notice cloth billowing in the wind and P.O.W.s stopping to salute before leaving behind another piece of weaponry to enhance your arsenal.
The violence is raw, brutal and graphic; the parasites look overtly organic; and the blood flows and spurts as if there was an endless supply.
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