Sentences with phrase «blood sugar benefits»

The combination of strong protein content with live bacterial cultures makes yogurt a food with blood sugar benefits, even though it is a food lacking in fiber.
However it is also exceptional for support intestinal health and presents blood sugar benefits.
As a good source of protein, yogurt makes sense as a food that would provide blood sugar benefits.
However it is also exceptional for intestinal health and presents blood sugar benefits.
Top with fresh and dried apples, plus plenty of cinnamon for possible blood sugar benefits.
Even though research studies have shown blood sugar benefits with as little as 1/2 cup servings of garbanzo beans, we recommend that you consider more generous single servings of this delicious legume, in the range of up to 1 cup.
The outstanding antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrient composition of green peas are very likely to play a role in these blood sugar benefits.
Toss some turmeric into roasted veggies or add it to soups, smoothies, or greens to take advantage of its blood sugar benefits (5).
What surprised me the most though, was the blood sugar benefits!
The presence of calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K in cheese may have played a special role in these blood sugar benefits since each of these nutrients has been independently linked to improved regulation of blood sugar.
In fact, consumption not only of cheese, but also of fermented dairy foods in general (like yogurt), were associated with some blood sugar benefits in this study.
The researchers suggested that the presence of two fat - soluble vitamins — vitamins K and D — in cheese was as a possible reason for the blood sugar benefits.
Consumption of other fermented dairy foods (like yogurt) was also associated with some blood sugar benefits in this study.
Since U.S. consumers overwhelmingly choose these sugar - added forms of cranberries, it can be difficult to separate out the blood sugar benefits of cranberries alone versus these cranberries - plus - sugar combinations.
We suspect that some of these blood sugar benefits are directly related to improved digestive function.
However, it presents excellent intestinal health and blood sugar benefits.
However it is exceptional for intestinal health and has blood sugar benefits.
It also presents exceptional intestinal health and blood sugar benefits.
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