Sentences with phrase «blood vessels of the brain»

The authors concluded that supplementing with curcumin may be a lifestyle intervention that prevents disturbances in blood vessels of the brain resulting from aging.
Such clots, in turn, can break off and get stuck in the narrow blood vessels of the brain, causing a stroke.
The results provide further support for the theory that an abnormal function of the blood vessels of the brain is an important component in driving migraine attacks.
However, two subtypes of migraines, basilar and hemiplegic, are thought to cause pain by doing the opposite — constricting rather than swelling the blood vessels of the brain.
The blood - brain barrier is the layer of cells that line the blood vessels of the brain.
Within the blood vessels of the brain, endothelial cells and other adjacent cells form a tight barrier that helps to prevent toxins and microbes from entering the brain.
CAA is characterized by Aβ deposition in the blood vessels of the brain.
Irish scientists have discovered that abnormalities in the blood vessels of the brain may have a key role to play in the development of schizophrenia.
Additionally, when estrogen levels were highest in the female specimens, NHE1 levels in the blood vessels of their brains were at their lowest.
Secondly, the blood flushes brain metabolic wastes like amyloid - beta protein released in to the blood vessels of the brain.
In addition, they're loaded with powerful antioxidants that help keep the blood vessels of the brain healthy and more flexible so that the brain gets adequately nourished.
Age - related cerebrovascular dysfunction, conditions affecting the blood vessels of the brain, is epidemic in our culture.
The chemicals in butterbur are thought to decrease muscle spasms and inflammation in the blood vessels of the brain, which can cause headaches.
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