Sentences with phrase «bloodwork results»

The phrase "bloodwork results" refers to the information or findings obtained from a medical test that analyzes a person's blood. It provides important information about the individual's health, such as their blood cell count, cholesterol levels, or presence of certain diseases. Full definition
However, I caution you against making the decision to euthanize your cat based on bloodwork results only.
Keeping an accurate chart that displays bloodwork results from year to year ensures that you and your veterinarian can easily compare results and catch a slight change before it signals a major problem.
Make the decision based primarily on behavior and physical condition, not on bloodwork results.
Concerned about Cavalancia's bloodwork results, the primary care doctor sent her to a hematologist who, in turn, sent her straight to the local hospital for additional tests, resulting in a transfer to the emergency department for a blood clot that affected her from one mid-thigh to a calf.
I just got some bloodwork results today and everything is fine — except my Vitamin D levels are super low.
We tailor our anesthetics and drugs administered based on your pet's individual needs, age, bloodwork results, and previous anesthetic events.
That early period is when your pet's bloodwork results («wellness exams, geriatric profiles») give your vet very little evidence that something is brewing.
It is still included in your pet's bloodwork results; but when the reading is abnormal, it tells your veterinarian very little, other than that your pets hemoglobin level and red blood cell count were abnormal — something he already knew.
It didn't really help him lose weight, and at his next annual check up, his bloodwork results for kidney function were very elevated.
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