Sentences with phrase «blow hole»

The phrase "blow hole" refers to a hole or opening on the head of certain animals, like whales or dolphins, through which they expel air when they surface to breathe. Full definition
It kind of blows holes in the whole efficient market theory.
It's this huge gun with giant bullets which can blow holes through concrete walls.
That would have prevented the current problem of blowing a hole in the state budget.
There are two blow holes on the top of their head which can create a V - shaped blow pattern on the surface.
A story about a protagonist who wants to be the best she could possibly be, at least until you realise she's willing to blow holes into anyone who stands in her way.
Not too dependent on paid advertising: I feel really pleased that I achieved my target of 1000 sales without blowing a hole in my author venture.
If you feel like your credit card just blew a hole in your budget, you're absolutely right; but it didn't happen overnight.
For years, he has tried to create and adhere to a specific annual spending plan, only to blow a hole through it at some point during the year.
Also, you can blow holes in buildings and drive vehicles.
To be clear, great enterprises do make big bets, but they avoid big bets that could blow holes below the waterline.
Continuing on to just south of Yamal, Russia where the odd methane blow holes first appeared last summer we find a region still mostly frozen.
My lady, Fiammetta Bianchini, was plucking her eyebrows and biting color into her lips when the unthinkable happened and the Holy Roman emperor's army blew a hole in the wall of God's eternal city, letting in a flood of half - starved, half - crazed troops bent on pillage and punishment.
With so much diving and surfing, there is also a wide range of other activities to fill your time on the island, there is the underground house carved by hand over 15 years, a punting trip through the mangroves forest, a seaweed history tour, a geyser like blow hole in the rocky cliffs called «The Devil's tear «and many water sports are available at Jungut Batu beach.
Another opens up to the ocean and others serve as blow holes along the shoreline of Pailoa Bay.
Formed by 3 pinnacles and a rocky bottom makes Blow Hole an interesting dive site.
On that bright, windy day earlier this month, the federal scientists were looking, in particular, for blow holes or the gigantic, gray outline of surfacing whales.
To be fair — Bush blew a hole in the side of the ship and the GOP has thwarted and obstructed all attempts by Obama to try and stem the leak.
And the difference in genetic divergence among MODERN MAN around the world and the genetic divergence seen in apes blows a HOLE in theory that we evolved from apes.
Isn't this the same blow hole who was addicted to pain medication while trashing everyone with a pain medication addiction problem?
Well, Warner Bros. wants to make absolutely sure you've heard about it, and they're willing to blow a hole right through a billboard in Hollywood to get the job done.
That is if anyone can convince stan and Wenger that we need to blow our hole transfer budget to get him..!
Well if building a team called the Invincibles and becoming record holders of the FA cup doesn't earn you any respect, well then I may as well blow a hole through the back of my head and be done with it.
With Albany looking at another $ 9 billion budget gap to plug next year, the cycle of transit raids blowing a hole in the MTA budget is primed to start all over again.
«It so blows a hole in our deficit, it so threatens Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
The plant's closure also blew a hole in...
«Rep. Katko and Tenney have the chance to do the right thing and vote no on any bill that raises premiums by double digits, trigger a $ 25 billion cut to Medicare, all while blowing a hole in the deficit.»
Gov. David Paterson's lawyer says e-mails blow holes in a state ethics board's probe that accuses the Democrat of violating a gift ban by seeking and obtaining World Series tickets...
Or the antimatter may have escaped the galactic center after a series of supernovas blew a hole in the top of the galaxy.
Blow hole allows easy access to shower diverter.
I would also recommend checking out Haleakala (the volcano) and Nakalele blow hole.
That line blows a hole in the movie that goes unprocessed.
This being a comic book movie, though, means no one is ever really dead (until Thanos blows a hole in your favourite character, of course).
He's currently seen blowing holes through the worlds most wanted terrorist, but Chris Pratt is about to become a household name after landing the...
Now with the newly confirmed price points, weâ $ ™ re offering an incredible racing experience for a price that wonâ $ ™ t blow a hole in stressed holiday wallets.â $
As mentioned, combat is another great experience as you can approach the game as either a deadly assassin or go for the kill with access to some truly massive weapons that literally blow holes in your enemies defences.
It's also got good surf, spectacular blow holes and great diving around its offshore islets.
And it's pretty cheap on the wallet too — a few surf lessons to get you started won't blow a hole in budget anywhere near what learning to scuba dive will, and a hiring a board in somewhere like Indonesia is about the same price as a meal.
Blowhole Deck - a Cliffside deck with lovers couch, positioned with unobstructed views of the low - tide blow hole, sunrise and sunsets.
The coastal strip features some ruggedly shaped volcanic «fingers» protruding into the sea, and a so - called blow hole from which impressive jets of sea water spray are ejected at regular intervals.
The hundred foot blow holes were amazing!
This was followed by a postcard perfect bike ride along the trail between two lakes - over multiple suspension bridges, then a cruise on Milford Sound where whale blow holes were spotted, seals cavorted and rare Fiordland penguins flapped on the shore.
There are other attractions including the Devil's Tear, an amazing blow hole naturally formed in the high rockface, not to mention the mangrove tour, and the amazing white sand beaches and friendly people.
Time allowing, you'll get close to many lava tubes, sea caves, sea grottos and wave powered blow holes.
The tour then moves on to the imposing natural coastline features locally known as «The Gap», «Natural Bridge» and the famous blow holes.
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