Sentences with phrase «blue checkmark»

The phrase "blue checkmark" refers to a small symbol of a blue checkmark that appears next to a person's name on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram. This symbol indicates that the person's account has been verified as being authentic and belongs to the claimed identity. It helps users to easily identify real accounts from fake ones. Full definition
Having a little gray or blue checkmark next to your page name indicates that your page is the official representation of your business.
Sitting next to his name is the famous blue checkmark, verifying the account as official.
Twitter introduced the blue checkmark in 2009.
The company admitted that its blue checkmark, which was introduced in 2009, has caused «confusion» as people think it means that Twitter backs a person's view.
During a recent livestream Dorsey expressed a desire to allow more Twitter users to achieve the blue checkmark giving to verified profile, as part of a goal to increase openness through the firm's health metrics proposal.
Mari Smith is a well - known thought leader in the field of Facebook marketing, and her Facebook Page has a blue checkmark to reflect her public figure status.
Twitter has suspended its verification program following outrage over handing a blue checkmark to the organizer of the deadly Charlottesville rally in August.
At the high school level, one assessment tested whether students were familiar with key social media conventions, including the blue checkmark that indicates an account was verified as legitimate by Twitter and Facebook.
Only a quarter of the students recognized and explained the significance of the blue checkmark.
The blue checkmark shows where you could place a trade (the candle beneath the checkmark).
You will note that the new H1 candle (marked by the blue checkmark) opened to the upside, which meant it was likely to be bullish.
Speaking of Ethics in Games Journalism, it turns out that Milo Yiannopoulos (of the blue checkmark scandal) essentially farms out most of his articles to unpaid «interns» who appear to be largely made up of 8chan posters.
Your Twitter handle can still be anything you want, but you should make sure you are happy with it before submitting a quest for verification since changing the handle of a verified account puts you at risk for losing the blue checkmark completely and having to go through the verification process all over again.
A blue checkmark on Twitter indicates that a social media account is verified, demonstrating that Twitter has established the authenticity of the organization or individual running the account.
If Twitter denies your request, you can submit another request in 30 days, which provides ample opportunity to continue updating your profile with valuable information and building your connections in order to try again for that blue checkmark.
See that blue checkmark beside the page's name?
Last week, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said his company would soon allow anyone to receive the blue checkmark of verification, in order to reduce any impression that the status implies an endorsement from the company.
A blue checkmark beside a network name means that you're connected.
Twitter even verified their most active accounts, stamping a blue checkmark on their profiles to cement their legitimacy.
Tap the blue checkmark on each photo you'd like to keep.
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