Sentences with phrase «blue kilonova»

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The image above and animation below show the kilonova light burst, caused by neutrons radioactively decaying into precious metals, turning from blue to red over the span of four days.
The aftermath of the neutron star collision detected in August included the gravitational waves spotted by LIGO and VIRGO (pale arcs); a near - light - speed jet that produced gamma rays (magenta); expanding debris from a kilonova — an explosion similar to a supernova, but smaller — that produced ultraviolet (violet), optical and infrared (blue - white to red) emission; and X-rays (blue).
Jennifer Barnes, an Einstein postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University, who as a UC Berkeley graduate student worked with Kasen to compute some of the first detailed model predictions of kilonovae, said, «We expected from theory and simulations that kilonovae would be tinged red if heavy elements were produced, and would shine blue if they weren't.
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