Sentences with phrase «bluefin tuna stocks»

At current rates of catch, driving up by increasing demand from Japan for use in sushi, Atlantic bluefin tuna stocks will be gone within 3 years.
Bluefin Tuna Stocks Down 97 % in Mediterranean In case you don't know what the big deal about bluefin tuna is all about, Sea Shepherd has prepared an Atlantic Bluefin Tuna fact sheet.
«New England's bluefin tuna stocks are declining and in danger of collapsing, and we must act now before it's too late.
He says that Pacific bluefin tuna stocks have shrunk to just 4 % of the historical population, making proper stock management a matter of urgency.

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«Our results demonstrate that bluefin tuna are capable of ranging widely throughout the North Atlantic without regard to the stock boundary in the mid-Atlantic,» Block notes.
WWF is holding a 1 - day Symposium on Responsible Consumption of Tuna here tomorrow where it hopes that government officials, seafood industry representatives, and ordinary consumers will listen to talks on how overfishing, capturing juvenile tunas for fish farming, and poor fisheries management has driven bluefin stocks to 15 % of historical levels.
A 2014 stock assessment of bluefin tuna showed that the species» numbers have dwindled to only 4 percent of historical highs.
«NOAA is concerned about the status of bluefin tuna, including the potential effects of the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill on the western stock of Atlantic bluefin, which spawns in the Gulf of Mexico,» said Jane Lubchenco, Ph.D., under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and NOAA administrator.
The resolution calls for a three to five year moratorium on bluefin tuna fishing in the eastern Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea to allow the stocks to increase.
Just look at recent coverage of the collapsing stocks of Atlantic bluefin tuna despite a treaty and theoretical limits, but with rampant illegal catches and continued sanctioned takes far above scientists» recommendations.
In a disappointing turn of events for a severely depleted stock, fishery managers have taken an initial step to eliminate proven protections for western Atlantic bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico.
Though critically endangered, stocks have decline 80 % in the past three decades, the high prices paid for bluefin tuna in the Japanese market mean that quota levels are continually not set low enough to allow the fish to recover, as well meaning that there is extensive illegal fishing going on.
The BBC also pointed out that the stock of East Atlantic bluefin tuna has fallen so quickly that there is a possibility of it being listed as an endangered species; the southern bluefin tuna is currently listed as critically endangered.
Mitsubishi, Japanese mega-conglomerate, was alleged to have started hoarding thousands of tons of bluefin tuna just as stocks of the fish plummet worldwide.
With stocks of Atlantic bluefin tuna down 75 per cent due to over-fishing, the European Commission said the trade ban's rejection threatened the survival of the ocean predator.
A Stock - Recruitment Relationship Applicable to Pacific Bluefin Tuna and the Pacific Stock of Japanese Sardine
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