Sentences with phrase «blurb on the back»

Then, picking up Edward Said's last book On Late Style (1999), I re-read the writer Steven Poole's blurb on the back cover: «An easy mastery of material with an unquenched desire to preserve difficulties.»
I mention this also because an indepth review suddenly switches to a kind of half - paragraph rebuttal (which, some of these, have a way of sounding a bit like blurbs on the back of video boxes) in these lists.
Make sure you include a back blurb on the back page of your cover (download the book templates to make your cover).
With his impressive head of silver hair, round spectacles and well - tailored suit, Grayling looks every inch the public intellectual that the blurb on the back his latest book The God Argument (Bloomsbury) describes.
The blurb on the back of the DVD gives me the impression that it is designed for those who have already started a life of prayer and who are maybe struggling, going through a dry patch or maybe need some encouragement.
The blurb on the back cover of the volume puts it succinctly: «science and religion have been mutually relevant in so rich a variety of ways that no simple generalisations are possible.»
So says the blurb on the back cover of «The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief», by Francis Collins and published in July by Free Press.
Sadly, for me, the blurb on the back of the book comes true «This book belongs on the shelf of every Bible Teacher and Student» and on my shelf it will remain.
The blurbs on the back cover of this book create in the potential reader an expectation of something new» a creative, original approach to the morality of homosexual acts, not just a rehashing of standard....
Find the guys and gals who review all the books in your genre — you know, you see their blurb on the back of everything you read.
Pay special attention to the wording in the blurb on the back of your book.
While some of the information was interesting, it did not read anything like a novel, as promised in some of the blurbs on the back.
The blurb on back cover called the book hilarious which I found disturbing since I thought it was anything but funny.
Then hand them a postcard with part of your blurb on it (or your book so they can read the blurb on the back).
I then just imitated the fonts and design of the electronic cover (which I had done in PowerPoint), put the blurb on the back, listed the five stories on the back, changed the spine type, and was done.
A slow start, but good use of language, beautifully written, characters to love and hate and what seemed like a good story until the rather grim ending, which made a complete lie of the blurb on the back: «Briony will have witnessed mysteries, and committed a crime for which she will spend the rest of her life trying to atone».
Historically this task has been left to the blurb on the back cover — until now.
Know in advance however, that, at least at the larger houses, you won't get much say in your cover or blurb on the back and, while your publishing house might ask for input on what you might like for the title, odds are, they ultimately don't care much what you think.
To me a book has to be held, to be touched, to turn over, to read the blurb on the back and to take a sneaky look at the pictures inside, before settling down and reading it.
Perhaps you would rather a blurb on the back of a book jacket.
The blurb on the back!
Then there's the title, my name, the blurb on the back, and so on.
Sure, the blurb on the back gives a better indication of its merit, but who is going to systematically read every blurb on Amazon or in a book store?
When you are selling your book online, or in a bookshop, it is the cover and the blurb on the back of the cover which sell it.
A little more variety and thought put into these extra events would have gone a long way into justifying their inclusion and bolstering the package, but you get the feeling that they were hastily included to fill in the blurb on the back of the box that highlights the obligatory Vita - exclusive features.
The blurb on the back of the report proclaimed:
So begins the blurb on the back of Marriage Rebranded.
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