Sentences with phrase «bodies adapted»

Our bodies adapted to survive through, and perhaps even thrive and depend on, periodic fasts.
Besides, if our bodies adapted to eating fatty diets, why would we care to switch it to something different?
While this is an extreme case, in the same vein, if our bodies adapted to eating fats, that would become the new «healthy choice» for our individual selves, so switching to some generically proposed «healthy choice» that our bodies ARE N'T adapted to would cause more harm than good.
They trained hard everyday, and their bodies adapted.
Though these inclined planes weren't part of birds, they may have shaped the way their bodies adapted.
The body adapts quickly, and if the demands being placed on the body are no longer challenging, no change can occur.
Do the same thing long enough and your body adapts.
I tend to do conventional sets and reps, usually in a pyramid fashion (going from less weight / more reps to higher weight / fewer reps.) But your body adapts to anything, and making progress gets tougher.
Add these botanical blends to your daily routine to help your body adapt to physical, mental and environmental stress.
So some of it is the individual and some of it is also understanding how to help your body adapt to a new diet.
Healthy benefits: This golden spice is a must for every curry and it contains curcumin, a compound that can help your body adapt to exercise - induced stress.
Plus, many of the ingredients in this recipe are perfect for the fall equinox and helping our bodies adapt to colder climates and seasonal changes in the environment.
Your body adapts to what you eat.
It lets your body adapt.
Can your body adapt to the lack of sleep?
When the baby is transitioning into solid foods, rice cereal can be added to formula to help the baby's body adapt to the solid food change.
Most women are happy to do anything to help make their bodies adapt to baby in and out of utero, and accept that they have to adjust to some risks that pregnancy and childbirth bring.
The changing seasons bring sickness as our bodies adapt to the weather.
Throughout pregnancy your body shape, hormonal balance heart and lung function changes and pregnancy yoga can help your body adapt and acclimatise to your new physiology and help your body stay healthy and well both during your pregnancy.
These researchers found that when receptors for insulin - like growth factor were decreased (such as, perhaps, when there was too much insulin - like growth factor circulating during adolescent breast development), the body adapted by making fewer receptors, resulting in fewer alveoli (milk - making sites in the breast — glandular tissue).
Your maternal body adapts to the needs of your baby, since your blood provides all of the nutrients and oxygen your baby will need throughout the pregnancy.
The findings suggest that in fruit flies, the loss of taste may cause physiological changes to help the body adapt to the perception that it's not getting adequate nutrients.
At high altitudes, the body adapts to the thin air by generating additional red blood cells, which grab more oxygen from the air in the lungs.
New findings on how the body adapts to high altitude could lead to reductions in altitude sickness among vacationers to mountain destinations around the world.
That's why his next study, back at Hippokration Hospital, where he now works with Vlachopoulos, will probe for signs that the body adapts to caffeine in coffee drinkers studied for 2 weeks.
Understanding how the body adapts to altitude could lead to better medications for these tourists.
More specifically, how a genetic transcription factor called hypoxia - inducible factor 1 (HIF - 1) helps our bodies adapt to low - oxygen environments, and how modifying that factor could help treat anemia and cancers.
Prof Timothy Aitman, Director of the University of Edinburgh's Centre for Genomic and Experimental Medicine, who co-led the study, said: «Our findings give us insight into how cells in the body adapts to injury.
«Biomechanical acoustics study sheds light on running injuries: French scientists share preliminary findings about how the human body adapts to vibrations experienced while running.»
How does the human body adapt to prolonged starvation?
Understanding how our daily biological clock works and how our body adapts to different phases of the day has huge implications for our health and wellbeing.
Another important thing is to make sure to begin learning every movement pattern with a relatively low amount of resistance and then gradually increase it as your body adapts.
This is also because your body adapts to the new situation and it is practically fighting you on your quest to become ripped.
Your body adapts to the stress that you impose upon it.
If you do things often enough, your body adapts for the task you set it, and you evolve.
«Our bodies adapt quickly to our increased fitness levels (cardiovascular), so it's important to always add a further challenge to push the boundaries and gain further results,» Carter says.
You may be able to talk through the issues that are keeping you awake and develop better sleep habits to help your body adapt to a regular schedule.
Adaptogenic herbs help the body adapt and cope with stress.
«If you undertake regular exercise for periods of time, your body adapts to the forms of training, the energy systems targeted and you may notice a plateau in your strength, fitness, and weight loss or performance goals.
Additionally, an inflammatory response takes place during exercise to help the body adapt.
Rhodiola rosea, an herb that helps the body adapt to stress, also acts as a «beautiful system - balancing material,» says Kilham.
It's possible that your body adapted to the current workout program.
The theory is that consuming local honey from where you live will help your body adapt to the allergens in the environment there.
The downsides: Not only is it time - consuming, but as your body adapts, you'll have to up your exercise time to continue to see changes.
For trips lasting 10 hours or longer, this is a useful way of helping the body adapt to the new time zone.
Your body adapts to the work you're loading it with, so you need to constantly challenge it to work harder and rebuild stronger by introducing more repetitions or increasing the weight.
They help your body adapt to stress and enhance your ability to cope with fatigue, anxiety, and insomnia.
When you lose weight through diet, exercise and nutrient - based fat burners you allow a more gradual weight loss which lets the body adapt.
This is a necessary step because the human body adapts to whatever stress we put it against such as exercise, eating a reduced calorie diet, etc..
Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee Powder — Infused with adaptogens that support brain function and help the body adapt to stress, this powdered coffee mix just needs to be mixed with water.
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