Sentences with word «bodiliness»

The Christian erasure of gender distinctions in Christ generally implies, they argue, the assimilation of women to masculinity, the shedding of female forms of bodiliness and attachment.
He wants to be delivered not from bodiliness but from this body.
In spite of its explicit confessions of his involvement with the world, classical theism is not always congenial to an imaging of God as radically assuming and integrating bodiliness and the cosmic process into his being.
Is our bodiliness valuable enough to be included in our immortal existence?
Respect is shown to the corpse, not necessarily because this body will be enlivened again one day to function more or less as it did during the sister's lifetime, but because the sister's bodiliness, concretized in and through this body, remains an inseparable dimension of her very existence.
The only self we know is a bodily self, and so we are prone to affirm our bodiliness as good because it is who we are.
Usually this question is asked in terms of the body only, because it is assumed (from the Greeks again) that the soul is what it is and can not be different, whereas the body, or our bodiliness, can take different forms.
The body is how we relate to the world, and the quality of our relating is partly dependent on the condition of our bodiliness.
These questions are extended with consideration of our bodiliness and its ultimate value in God's view.
Note further that central to the concept of action is stress on its bodiliness.
Immunity to the «imperfections» of multiplicity, temporality, bodiliness, and relativity is the philosophical expression of this vacuous purity and perfection.
And the one - sided image of the unwordly, absolutely «pure» being, by nature immune to bodiliness, temporality, and sensuality can hardly satisfy this requirement.
It is, therefore, in our bodiliness that we turn to God, recognizing, in every particular need, our need above all for God.
Bonhoeffer makes a startling statement about the effects of the act of disobedience:» «The end of the ways of God is bodiliness».»
The first image you see when you enter the gallery — that mawkishly endearing shot of a grinning,, double - chinned lady in tulle hat and black netted veil — confronts you, aggressively, with its bodiliness.
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