Sentences with phrase «bodily action»

As forms of human action, practices are forms of bodily action.
For with thought — unlike bodily action — we can get beyond the present into the past and future and indeed from the realm of the real into that of the merely possible.
Without further qualification, the capacities cultivated in theological schooling could just as well be capacities for «doing» contemplation or capacities for specific affections as they could be capacities for intentional bodily action and discursive reasoning.
When one treats one's body as intrinsic to one's self, there is a unitary activity, and various bodily actions share in this activity since they are not directed to an extrinsic purpose.
Robert R. Provine's Curious Behavior explores mundane bodily actions overlooked by science
In this stage, it should be remembered that patient has no control and awareness of its whereabouts and in - voluntary bodily actions.
Other photographs document artists — like Bruce Nauman, Robin Rhode, and Dennis Oppenheim — who turned bodily action into sculpture.
Hatoum's one - off performances often involved radical bodily actions and have a strong relationship to her experiences as a displaced person, forced to flee Lebanon with her parents during the 1970s.
Other discrete works are more helpful, like Nauman's 1968 film recordings of studio - based performances of repetitive bodily actions, which unite the sculptural and the kinetic gestures as well as any of the Cunningham arrangements on display.
The video depicts three female wrestlers performing a series of bodily actions in a three - storied factory.
Rather, they are dispositions for public actions — perhaps contemplative practices, perhaps discursive reasoning employing a publicly shared language, perhaps physical expressions of emotions employing culturally conventional facial expressions or bodily movement, perhaps intentional bodily action (as we have noted, just which of these public actions has not been specified).
Alfred North Whitehead brilliantly defines the human body as the primary field of human expression.14 So every bodily action becomes symbolically the incarnation of a human attitude in the whole gamut from ecstatic fulfilment to boredom and despair.
Of course, it does not take much reflection to realise that sex does not automatically «make» love between two people: in the extreme example of rape, the bodily action of sexual intercourse does not cause love between the two people involved.
So, in a different sense than we have employed the idea thus far, we would say that the athlete's bodily actions were more fully his acts than is true for the spastic person, for they more adequately express his intentions.
2) Attributes are ascribed to God which indicate movements and bodily actions, as it says: «God smelled [the pleasing fragrance]» (ibid.
In the domain of bodily action we are indeed trapped within history, but intellectual action provides us with an escape — a means of entry into the region of abstract generality.
The word «doing» points to the active side of subjective experience and to the bodily actions that issue from that active side.
One can see this by noting the impossibility of defining any given practice without including in the definition either reference to bodily action or reference to physical media of communication among practitioners and the physical tools they employ in the practice.
PowerPoint also conditions worshipers to act and react in visceral ways, so that the character of their bodily actions and emotional responses are at times downright Pavlovian.
Whitehead also shows that mechanistic materialism can not account for the accountability which a responsible person has for his bodily actions (SMW 113 - 17).
Through the bodily action precipitated by the purposes of the momentary dominant occasions within the organism, the actual situation is changed as well as the perceived situation for subsequent dominant occasions.
But if the decision is not part of the flow, how does it affect that flow to produce a bodily action?
Instead, the child learns to map the meaning of nouns (like «farmer») to the pictures, and perhaps more importantly, the child learns to map the syntax of the sentence (the who does what to whom) to her bodily actions (such as moving the farmer and the tractor).
Certain artworks can't help but hint at the affect of the bodily actions that shaped them.
Their practice consists of artwork that examines the nature of the object via the use of shadows and the recording of bodily actions and static objects through video, paint, sculptural elements and charcoal media.
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