Sentences with phrase «bodily existence»

What each of us is and does in bodily existence largely determines what we are.
This woman places real value on her own bodily existence.
The human body is the special concern of Merleau - Ponty, and ambiguity is of the essence of human bodily existence.
Hebrew thought developed this idea rather than immortality, first, because the Hebrews had a vivid sense of the goodness of material bodily existence; and second, because they understood the necessary unity of the person not as a soul - in - body but as a whole living, feeling, thinking personality.
The illusion that clouded discipleship in Luke's day was an apocalyptic one, namely, that since the time was so short and the kingdom so near, the eschatological community of the Spirit did not need to take bodily existence and historical tasks seriously.
Christians claimed that their god took on human bodily existence, and with it an actual human appearance.
Furthermore, it is very hard to draw a precise and definite line of demarcation between our own bodily existence and that of the world around us.
Camus» objection to any future goal to judge the present, whether a Christian's hope for immortality or a Marxist's dream of a future classless society, is that it leads to an «ideal of the spirit» that fails to appreciate the temporal enjoyment of bodily existence.
Ben, yeah pretty certain as I know of no proof of anyone ever existing outside his / her bodily existence.
In spite of all the horrors of suffering and sin, human life and its entire historical and natural context must be affirmed, and one must devote his energies to serving his fellowman in the concreteness of his bodily existence rather than seeking escape from these given conditions.
They approach God in faith and in the activities that fill their earthly, bodily existences.
This does not imply that this bodily existence is of only limited value or importance; the value of the material creation does not necessarily involve its eternity.
One concerns our bodily existence and its value in our ultimate destiny.
There is also a memory which is grounded in my bodily existence — a visceral memory, as we might call it.
The recovery of the doctrine of the resurrection of the body overagainst the immortality of the soul helped to prepare for Christian reaffirmation of the goodness of bodily existence and its sexuality.
The freedom of the spirit is manifest in the postulational method, and the necessity of bodily existence is shown in the rigor of deductive inference.
How much value is there in our bodily existence?
Conceivably, the denial of validity to reasoning that leads to self - contradiction is a consequence of man's bodily existence.
Bodily existence is the basis for defining the procedures that give coerciveness and hence universality to scientific thought.
There is no room for doubt as to what he means: God's people are promised a new type of bodily existence, the fulfillment and redemption of our present bodily life.
My bodily existence provides the favorable environment for the continued existence of myself more narrowly construed as a centered self.
Science is the study of the created order in its material / formal relationships up to and including the bodily existence of Man.
In a more general sense we may say that we are trying to cope with our vulnerability which manifests itself not only in our mortality but also in our bodily existence as such.
Without a sacramental component, religion — or religious hope — can easily take flight from our earthiness and from the reality of bodily existence.
From very early in life we sense the annihilating implications of our bodily existence, and we are understandably terrorized and overwhelmed by this awareness.
He is, as the show's title quotation from Beuys might imply, drawn to art that contemplates mortality, birth and death, our bodily existence.
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