Sentences with phrase «bodily suffering»

Obama's elevation of bodily suffering above all other considerations, as he articulates it in his remarks to the press following his new executive order on stem cell research, is clearly an expression of this Cartesian legacy, of a modern science pregnant with moral attachments.
The tendency is at least as old as John Greenleaf Whittier, whose «The Crucifixion» makes much of seeing «the suffering son of God» but never shows us any concrete bodily suffering.
«If some Christians want to celebrate the death of Fred Phelps, I hope it's because they think he has been released from bodily suffering and is going home to God,» he said.
The overwhelming amount of health problems, debilitating diseases and unneccessary bodily suffering makes me wonder why people aren't demanding the answers to their ailments, or questioning the way they consume food, prescription drugs and medical information.
Like the Hebrews, the Babylonians seem to have believed that sin brings punishment in the form of bodily suffering, loss of goods, friends, misfortune of many kinds.
The intuitively right description, in my judgment, is that pain is our participation in a bodily suffering that is first cellular and becomes ours by our act of participating in, sympathizing with, this bodily distress.
By turning a natural phenomenon as complex as human aging and mortality into a pure and stylized spectacle of bodily suffering, the movie plays on the bourgeois fear of insecurity and triggers the wish to be rid of the unsightly process of dying, a wish fulfilled in the end by the «love» that is also an act of murder.
By Jon Seals It is fitting that Düsseldorf, the city so formative in the life of art shaman Joseph Beuys, would host an exhibition investigating such themes as anthroposophy, bodily suffering, performance, ritual and social philosophy in contemporary art.
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