Sentences with phrase «body after death»

In 1962, Robert Ettinger published The Prospect of Immortality, a book that gave birth to the idea of «cryonics» — the process of freezing a human body after death in the hope that scientific advances might one day restore life.
With just a few concrete elements, Margolles vividly enacts the transformations of the human body after death, especially the final passage from presence to absence.
In a move reminiscent of Dark Souls, players can choose to rediscover their deceased body after death.
Plan ahead so that you do not wonder what happened to your pet's body after death.
On the wall across from me was an image of the Virgin Mary holding Christ's body after his death.
From the digestive system (Gulp) to the body after death (Stiff) to the science of sex (Bonk), Mary Roach's books...
The 2009 specimen turns out to be a juvenile, just under a year old, judging from its bone growth, and it shows signs of having been coated in fuzz that was plastered against its body after death.
«Once the body dies, some part of our consciousness leaves us and travels to a new plane,» the scientist explains, evidenced by his machine that measures, as another character puts it, «brain wavelengths on a subatomic level leaving the body after death
The individual loses the right to decide what should happen to his or her body.This right passes over to the State which has then assumed all rights over the body after death.
He didn't care for them, he didn't care what happen to their bodies, so why should I care what happens to his body after death?
Most Chinese nobles of this period made attempts to preserve their bodies after death, but few succeeded.

Not exact matches

After his death was recorded at 10:59, his fellow troops moved his body and buried him near where his company was posted.
Case 3: Mormons are right, and spirits are required to have an authorized baptism the Mormon way, by a person with a physical body here on earth... Then the person who received the baptism by proxy (after learning the truth... after death) can either reject it and go on their happy way, or may be pretty happy to receive it.
The horrific denouement of an ideology that required breaching the boundary of shame was the shamelessness of death camps where human beings were robbed of dignity, stripped of privacy, deprived, therefore, of an elemental freedom of the body in life and of the respect we accord the bodies of the dead after life is no more.
«Mary has left death behind her; she is totally clothed in life, she is taken up body and soul into God's glory and thus, placed in glory after overcoming death, she says to us: Take heart, it is love that wins in the end!
It has been common in recent years for scripture scholars to tell us that the idea of the separation of body and soul after death — indeed that any systematic distinction between body and soul — was alien to the Hebrew vision of the Old Testament.
The Hebrews, prior to the days when the Neo-Platonic philosophy affected Alexandrian Judaism, never thought of life after death except in terms of a resurrected body.
What the Egyptians pictured the sky goddess as doing when she raised up the departed, an early Hebrew, beginning to believe in life after death, might have pictured Yahweh as doing: «She sets on again for thee thy head, she gathers for thee thy bones, she unites for thee thy members, she brings for thee thy heart into thy body
He never thought, after the Greek fashion, of soul as pure being, capable of disembodiment, but spoke, as his Jewish contemporaries did, of future life in terms of bodily resurrection, and on that basis he discussed life after death with the skeptical Sadducees, protesting only against the popular, contemporary ways of conceiving the raised body and its uses in the next world.
The only suffering after death that holds any purpose for men who choose to reject God is the suffering that it takes for the soul and body to be wiped from existence.
Yet, if his body was raised physically from the grave and did not see corruption, or if his body was transformed after death into something different, in such a way that in itself it was annihilated, then he did not experience the whole of our human destiny.
However, there is a great difference between legitimate doubt as to the precise moment of death and the position of a priest asked to anoint a body in a funeral parlour many hours or days after death.
He believes that after the death of the body there is a release from the time - and - space predicament and a conscious sharing in the timeless Life of God, in which there are probably various stages of enlightenment and knowledge.
The church affirmed an increasingly detailed body of authoritative Christian doctrine in which hope for the world to come had been subtly transferred to a distant future, to be reached only after death and resurrection.
There are just as many people that believe their is existance after the death of your body.
There are three important Whiteheadian texts which deal with the question of the immortality of the soul after the death of the body.
This is the only actual body there is, and it shares in the destiny of the soul after death.
Before death, while we are still in mortal flesh, we eat the labors of our hands, we swallow with an effort the food so gained; but after death, we shall begin eagerly to drink in the spiritual life and finally, reunited to our bodies, and rejoicing in fullness of delight, we shall be refreshed with immortality.
However what does your life matter to you after you are dead if your soul (assuming the soul is mortal and simply vanishes with a death of physical body) is no longer in existence.
Odin, the chief god of the Norse, was associated with death by hanging, and a possible practice of Odinic sacrifice by strangling has some archeological support in the existence of bodies perfectly preserved by the acid of the Jutland (later taken over by the Daner people) peatbogs, into which they were cast after having been strangled.
[8] Concurrently, a slave named Jack, convicted in a separate arson case, was hanged at a nearby gallows, and after death his body was thrown into the fire with that of Maria.
If refusal to face squarely the fact of death is found so widely in these days, so also is loss of belief in a continuation of human existence, beyond death, in what used to be called the «after - life» It is indeed true that among conventionally - minded church - people and many others there is a vague feeling that when the body dies the «soul» goes on.
And when he was thinking about human existence itself, he was intent upon saying that a whole human person was compounded of body as well as of soul; in the end, he said, the two would be reunited after the separation which death had brought about.
But before that, it is worth saying that the kind of mind - body situation which we have been considering provides a strong case against the notion of some continuation after death of the conscious self that had existed before death.
«After Jesus» failure and death, his disciples stole his body and declared his resurrection in order to maintain their financial security and ensure themselves some standing» So let me get this strait, the disciples slip past the awake guards and the chief priest that gather, remove a large stone without making enough noise to wake those who were already awake.
Resurrection after death is the raising or reconstitution of total humanity; it does not presuppose some element in human existence which naturally persists after the death of the body.
Police in Pakistan say they've arrested 44 people after a Christian couple were beaten to death and their bodies burned for allegedly desecrating the Koran.
After a time, however, some Jews began to speak about resurrection of the body, which to them meant the entire human personality; they did this because it was inconceivable that Jews who suffered death as martyrs in the time of the Maccabees should be «cast as rubbish to the void,» their faithfulness to Judaism unrewarded and their bravery denied enduring value.
After Jesus» failure and death, his disciples stole his body and declared his resurrection in order to maintain their financial security and ensure themselves some standing.»
So Christian practice believes that human bodies, even after death, mediate God's grace.»
So G. W. H. Lampe writes: «if his body was raised physically from the grave and did not see corruption, or if his body was transformed after death into something different, in such a way that in itself it was annihilated, then he did not experience the whole of our human destiny....
Later in the book, Baruch asked about the exact nature of the resurrection body at the consummation, and he was told by God that the dead would rise exactly as they were at the moment of death, and after they had been given an opportunity to recognize one another, they would then undergo a spiritual transformation.
Living here and now in the Kingdom, living and following Jesus where he is leading us now, rather than focusing on what may happen after the death of this body, however, does make sense.
The bodies of men after death return to dust, and see corruption: but their souls, (which neither die nor sleep) having an immortal subsistence, immediately return to God who gave them.
Shortly after we learned of the death of Osama bin Laden, U.S. officials said his body would be treated in accordance with Islamic traditions.
The fact that personal identity in this life depends so little upon the relation to a common body and so much upon unmediated hybrid prehensions of past occasions of the soul's life strengthens the plausibility of the claim that continuity may occur after bodily death.
As we have seen, Wright advocates a view in which Christian teaching focuses not on life after death but «life after life after death,» which includes the resurrection of the body and the redemption of the created order.
That there is a soul or living person, ontologically distinct from the body, is the first condition of the possibility of life after death.
Concerning the survival of the human personality after death, whether in the Platonic sense of the immortality of the soul or the biblical sense of the resurrection of the body, Hartshorne is at times agnostic and at others quite skeptical.
Many Atheists assume there is no life after death, that with the death of the body all self - awareness and existence ends.
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