Sentences with phrase «body as a pattern»

Much is made of the metaphor of the body as a pattern for organizing the local church.

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The signal for such a theology is Tom Driver's reflective getting in touch with his body while sitting in the bathtub, and his happy invitation, in Patterns of Grace: Human Experience as Word of God (Harper & Row, 1977), for us to do the same.
We characterized congregations (about whom these three types of questions guide «understanding») as sets of practices; and we characterized «practices» as patterns of intentional bodied action.
[16] Although he thinks that his view is like Aquinas» of the soul as the form of the body, Aquinas did not think that this pattern is dissolved with the death of the body as Polkinghorne does.
They have confused «immortality of the soul» with whatever may be intended by the biblical phrase «resurrection of the body»; while theologians have attempted, as we have already observed, when I described the older scheme which comprised the last things, to bring the two conceptions together in a fashion which will retain each of them and yet relate them so that a consistent pattern may be provided.
And as a matter of fact, the history of the Church's use of Scriptures in her preaching and teaching has tended to move in an either / or pattern, there being periods of strong emphasis upon the Scripture as the body of authoritative tradition, provoking a reaction in favor of an understanding of Scripture as address to the hearers.
For this aspect of tradition — the dimension of symbolic distinctiveness preserved in the ancient patterns of the worship and ritual life of the Church — is at least as central to Catholic identity as many of the doctrinal positions worried about by those who conceive of tradition primarily as a body of authoritative teaching.
Time and again, prophets and reformers have arisen to recall the Church to its true pattern as the Body of the Messiah and to its true energy in the dunamis of the spirit, but as often as not the prophet has been either rejected or ignored».
Sodium atoms are just as much «conformists» inside the body as outside it, but the pattern of physical feeling to which they conform is different in the body.
Certainly the religious broadcaster has access to the much larger body of general communication research on associated topics such as audience patterns and viewing behavior, attitude and value change, and communication uses and effects.
Replacing the holy wars of the Old World have been religious patterns that left few dead bodies, though competitive denominational missionaries in many a new suburb have come down with ulcers, heart disease, endocrine disturbances, alcoholism arid, as they say, «other specifically Christian diseases» in their scrambles.
The pattern of Christ's living, suffering, dying and rising becomes the pattern for our lives, as we are members of his living body.
This enabled a more natural flow pattern and aimed to support the environment by enhancing spawning opportunities for large - bodied native fish, such as golden perch (Macquaria ambigua).
Also with this Pattern, Ozil will have lots of quick moving bodies to find as both Ramsey and Campbell could overload an attack from both wings and at opportune times Monreal and Bellerin can turn up and help in attack.
ON d topic: personally I feel d guy shld continue as long as his body can go, best players wants to play always, beside he seems to be fully integrated into AFC nd EPL scopes nd pattern, in order to keep d balance, am apy cazola is back to his old best, dis will make it difficult for ozil to strol into d team.
I strive to add specifically to the body of knitting patterns for boys as I have two of my own!»
This balance is a part of the biological clock also known as the circadian cycle, which helps maintain a sleep and wake pattern in synch with body hormonal levels and all associated changes.
As a result, there is less physiological wear - and - tear on the body, and the brain is more likely to develop a long - term pattern of resilience to stress.
Our patterns are what we have taken on to survive... - Narrative therapy - «I am not defined by my mistakes» - Our body reads stress AS fear - The power of our positive intent
You might also miss a period if you have a change in your sleep patterns, for example, you start working night shifts and sometimes that can throw your cycles out of whack and make your period wonky for a bit as your body adjusts to it.
Disordered stress reactivity can be established as a pattern for life not only in the brain with the stress response system (Bremmer et al, 1998), but also in the body through the vagus nerve, a nerve that affects functioning in multiple systems (e.g., digestion).
I've found it's best to run the pattern the same direction as the knit (i.e., like the 2 bodies of the diapers at the bottom of the t - shirt), rather than like the one that lays horizontal (like the one at the top)- this allows for better stretchiness in the diaper.
This rhythm affects things such as temperature, hormonal changes sleep / wake patterns and other physiological and biological processes (our internal body clock).
As the days go on you'll make more breast milk and your baby's breastfeeding pattern will tell your body how much breast milk to make.
Engorged breasts will fell better as your breastfeeding pattern becomes established or, if you're not breastfeeding, when your body stops producing milk — usually within a few days.
Far too often at the moment he tends to come across in terms of his speech patterns and body language as Blair - lite.
«In weighing the evidence, we can now say with some confidence that pasta does not have an adverse effect on body weight outcomes when it is consumed as part of a healthy dietary pattern,» said Dr. Sievenpiper.
In fact, the distribution pattern they found showed two distinct clusters of artifacts, one near some stone slabs, which they interpret as the remnants of a burial platform, and another in the nearby depression where the hikers found the Iceman's body.
Animals such as salamanders and planaria regenerate tissues by rekindling genetic mechanisms that guide the patterning of body structures during embryonic development.
Barr's findings add to a growing body of literature suggesting that the familiar problems of child - rearing — endless crying and battles to establish regular sleep patterns — are not as ubiquitous as was once thought.
Other bodies, such as the European Environment Agency, have said it is likely that rising temperatures in Europe will change rainfall patterns, leading to more frequent and heavy floods in many regions.
It has previously been shown that rougher surfaces (also known as textured surfaces) reduce the amount of scar tissue formed around breast implants, but the Manchester scientists felt that they could improve this by creating a pattern which mimicked body's own surface, such as the basal layer of the skin, providing a better environment for the cells to grow on.
«The postures and patterns can be quite flashy, such as standing very tall, raising the body mantle high above the eyes, and turning very dark.»
«During regeneration, development, and cancer suppression, body patterning is subject to the influence of physical forces, such as electric fields, magnetic fields, electromagnetic fields, and other biophysical factors.
«How prehistoric humans influenced mammal body size: Body size patterns of mammals affected as hominins expand across the globe.&rabody size: Body size patterns of mammals affected as hominins expand across the globe.&raBody size patterns of mammals affected as hominins expand across the globe.»
Changes in sleep patterns can in turn shift the body's natural clock, known as its circadian rhythm.
This pattern suggests that as part of the burial ritual, old bodies being removed from compartments were disarticulated.
Based on data gathered when participants entered each study, the investigators used four AHA - defined lifestyle factors — no current smoking; lack of obesity, defined as a body mass index less than 30; physical exercise at least once a week, and a healthy dietary pattern — to determine a lifestyle score, whether participants had a favorable (three or four healthy factors), intermediate (two factors) or unfavorable (one or no healthy factors) lifestyle.
The study, which published today in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, is the first to link psoriasis severity to an increased risk of death using an objective measure of disease severity — called Body Surface Area (BSA)-- rather than treatment patterns, such as whether or not a patient was receiving oral, injectable or phototherapy treatment for the condition.
Here, we exploited microfluidics to control the metabolism of liver cells down to a resolution of a few cells, allowing us to create liver tissue that shows the same patterns of toxicity caused by differences in drug metabolism as the liver in your body
An obvious star pattern such as Orion was usually lost in the folds of the hunter's body, his sword often obliterating the brilliance of the Orion Nebula.
It is certainly the case that Thomas Aquinas, and many following him, thought of the soul as the «form», or information - bearing pattern, of the body, and that they saw the Christian hope of the resurrection as being the reimbodiment of that form by God in a new environment of His choosing.
He decided to study very large patterns, which can be found in huge data sets, such as the number of molecules in the human body or the number of someone's Facebook friends.
The Endocrine Society today issued a Clinical Practice Guideline that recommends treating insufficient hormone levels in individuals with hypopituitarism by replacing hormones at levels as close to the body's natural patterns as possible.
Nevertheless, sponges share key adhesion and signalling genes7, 8,9,10,11 with eumetazoans, as well as other genes important in body plan patterning such as developmental transcription factors12, 13,14,15; sponge embryos and larvae (Fig. 1) are readily comparable to those of other animals12, 16.
The pattern on their bodies is often described as «skull - shaped», which probably doesn't help their negative reputation.
His team is involved in much larger studies in which heart rate data is being combined with physical activity data from smart watches, body patches, and clinical questionnaires, as well as other behavioral and exposure data collected through smartphone usage patterns.
Another important thing is to make sure to begin learning every movement pattern with a relatively low amount of resistance and then gradually increase it as your body adapts.
It is often the case that correct breathing patterns start to come naturally as the body tries to help itself.
Lunges and all their varieties also mobilize your hip flexors, as well as prepare your body for the workout, activating firing patterns.
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